Tag Archives: post viral chronic fatigue symptoms

Stopping Chelation – Dr Cutler Protocol

Shortly after a very positive post a month or so back i had a big setback; more like a crash, and I was quite surprised in it’s severity. It made me re-think  my strategy. I needed to do more.

I had switched to DMSA/ALA instead of my usual DMPS/ALA. I did two rounds of the new combo and then crashed. I was taking tiny doses – 6mg DMSA and 3mg ALA. I haven’t been able to increase these levels since I started chelation Cutler style way back in late 2014.

It just seems all too difficult and I feel like I’m missing something. And trying to do it nearly all myself is proving incredibly hard. I’m not being precise enough with what exactly I’m trying to detox and no-one is supervising me, mainly because I just haven’t been able to find someone. Another issue is that my judgement isn’t great, so decisions are usually not great. But we all have to keep trying so we can only do our best.

My ‘best’ was to continue looking around for someone to give me a better idea of exactly what I was trying to do. This blanket approach of just ‘doing chelation’ wasn’t working as well as a precise and individual protocol would.

From someone who contacted me via this website I tracked down a functional medicine doctor in Australia who having success treating chronic illnesses. I could tell by talking to him that he was very knowledgeable about these illnesses. After 90 minutes talking to him via Skype my gut feeling was that he could help or certainly give me an idea of what was causing my symptoms.

He is more of a health detective than anything else so he wanted me to do the following tests, based on the info I’d given him and what we discussed online.

Most of the tests below – a little overwhelming but I feel it will be worth it.

Health Tests


  • Hair Test – with Trace Elements, Texas. Best Hair Mineral Analysis I understand. Not ARL.
  • 24 hour Amino Acid test – see what nutrients and proteins are being absorbed correctly.
  • Liver Detox Profile – Liver function and ability to tolerate DMSA if used as chelating agent.
  • Neurotransmitter Profile – see what’s out of balance in my brain. eg Serotonin, Dopamine etc
  • Kryptopyrroles – possible Zinc and B6 deficiency
  • DMSA challenge test – with glycine and Biosil to maximise results. Send poo and urine to Microtrace Minerals in Germany. Should be fun.

I’m usually loathe to spend anymore money on testing because no one has ever been able to properly interpret them and treat me properly. Hopefully this time will be different. (I’ve said that a few times 🙂 I’m interested to see the results myself and perhaps they can be used if I went back and had a consultation with Dr Cutler or anyone else; if need be.

These tests are going to take a while to do so the doctor has given me an interim protocol to work on. This basic protocol will be revised as more tests come in.

  • To mobilise = R-Lipoic Acid (Cutler wouldn’t agree to this but who knows who is right)
  • To bind = Modified Citrus Pectin
  • To bind & help in general = Orthosilicic Acid (BioSil)
  • Other general supplements like Magnesium for support.

So this makes sense. Mobilise  – Bind – Excrete. Not sure what is being mobilised yet but the tests should give us an idea. Mercury, Lead, Aluminium, Thalium etc

I have to do the tests first and then start the above so I will keep this site updated with test results and progress.

Keep trying







Dr L Wilson Interview – Adrenal Fatigue

Here is a very informative interview with Dr Wilson regarding Nutritional Balancing. It was conducted by Wendy Myers and is also available on her website www.liveto110.com

Dr Wilson

Symptom Checkup

It’s hard to believe I had all these symptoms. I was told they were mainly due to some sort of psychosomatic disorder or mental illness which I actually believed for a long time. Medication and more rest was their primary treatment solution offered. These ‘hard to diagnose’ chronic illnesses are a nightmare for mainstream doctors. I understand that they have been taught a certain way and they must adhere to that protocol.

Simple, relatively low cost and ‘common-sense’ treatments are working well for me. What I consider to be ‘Dark Age’ treatments such as counselling and medication aren’t required.

Over the course of 15 years, I was diagnosed with the following:

Post-Viral Chronic Fatigue, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Somatoform/Psychosomatic Illness, Depression, Various Anxiety Disorders, Suspected Chronic Mercury Poisoning, Copper Toxicity, ‘Four Lows’ Mineral Imbalance, Severe / Chronic Exhaustion, Adrenal Fatigue / Exhaustion, Systemic Candida, Parasite Overgrowth.

It’s possible I had all of those ‘disorders’, but there has to be some underlying cause or causes. As I get better, those causes are becoming more obvious; although I realise I will probably never be able to confidently say that one thing or another was responsible for my poor health. It seems that it is a combination of factors that come together to create a perfect storm. Genetics, toxins, upbringing, bad luck, the way of the world….who really knows? The main thing is that I’m improving consistently, and that is what is important.



Heart palpitations

Joint and muscle pain/stiffness has all but gone.

Bouts of Nausea

Hypertension – my body feels more relaxed

Emotionally resilient – no longer ‘super sensitive’

Food cravings

Breathing regulation – no more ‘stop start’ type thing.

Chronic Sinusitis – 90% gone

Muscle twitching – eyelids and fingers mainly

Irritability – I don’t over react any more.

Digestive issues have settled down. Things are more regular.

Chemical Sensitivities – I don’t gag on car exhaust and cigarette smoke any more.

Headaches – can’t remember the last one I had.

Muscle tenderness

Blood sugar swings / Hypoglycaemia. Better tolerance to cold.

I can sit still for more than 2 minutes; in fact I crave quiet time now.

Temperature regulation – no more shivering  and sweating at the same time

Circulation issues – no more tingly arms.

Struggling to explain things to people; general confusion.


Much Improved:

Brain Fog – my mind is clearing.

Extreme Fatigue – it seems my flat battery is finally recharging.

Sleeping – I haven’t slept this well in ten years. Feels like sleep is actually working.

Nervous system is much stronger – not so jumpy.

Tinnitus – this isn’t driving me nuts as much.

Malabsorption – food feels like it’s reviving me instead of just keeping me alive.

Feelings of unreality, spaced out, zombie like. Separate world to everyone else.

Appetite better and enjoying food more.

Speech – I can find the words I need now. Not sure where they went.

Carbohydrate Intolerance and foods in general.

Skin Rashes

Short term Memory and Cognitive Ability

Anxiety and Depression – anything from chronic to severe are a thing of the past.

Poor balance and co-ordination

Adrenal function – I can stand up quickly without getting ‘the dizzies’

Joints and are working better – not so much pain and ‘popping’.

Muscles are strengthening.

Just happier, find myself laughing more, personality returning.

Posture – no longer arched forward, I’m ‘straightening up’

Not so ‘lost’ any more – I’m getting to know myself.

My core minerals are re-balancing – no longer dangerously low.

Avoiding social situations – it was just too hard to fit in.

I’m making better decisions, based on good health instead of ego and material gain.

Still lurking:

A small percentage of many of the above symptoms, they come and go less frequently.

Photo-phobia – sensitivity to light

Physical activity endurance


I still have a fair way to go but I’m making slow and steady progress.

My 3rd hair test results are due any day so I will post the results.

Best Health, John