Category Archives: What I Tried

Stopped Chelation – Nov 22 Update

Well a lot has happened this year. I’ll keep it brief and to the point. I was following Andy Cutler protocol and making some progress but also felt i was getting depleted. Even on the vitamins i felt i was wilting away. I can’t be sure that it was the DMSA or the high dose vitamins causing imbalances. Perhaps it was both.

It all came to a crashing halt when i got covid (i never got the vax) for a few weeks in May 22; my vitamin regime turned on me and i had to stop. So that put an end to chelation as i couldn’t take any supporting vitamins. My overall health crashed quite bad for months, i was really run down and it just didn’t make sense to restart chelation. I haven’t taken any DMSA or chelators since then.

I thought i would have made more progress, it all seemed too difficult and too draining for my body. I had no choice but to give it a break and change course.

I decided to take a more natural approach and follow my own program based on Connie Fox’s protocol. Gut first, then bad bugs, then consider chelation. She is adamant no one needs to do chelation with DMSA DMPS and/or ALA. She says chelation, or getting mercury out, is the easy part after all the hard work has been done repairing gut, restoring imbalances as much as possible, and generally getting much stronger before even thing about dealing directly with the mercury.

So i’m right back at rebuilding gut and mineral/vitamins, dealing with chronic infections/viral load without even thing about stiring up any mercury

Obviously diet is crucial, i’m also trying BPC157 to help heal the gut, vitc, copper, zinc, quercitin are a few basics. But i’m taking way more and won’t post untill something has worked well for me because it’s all experimental.

In hindsight, perhaps the DMSA did pull out some metals but it was too much of a struggle overall. I have taken months to improve after stopping, perhaps some imbalances have normalised after 10 tough months of chelation. There are just so many unknowns. it’s all very frustrating at times. Overall i feel slightly better so something has worked to some degree. It really is so different for everyone unfortunately experimentation is the only way. And the first goal is to not make yourself any worse

I hope to post much sooner next time with some better gains. All the best

March 2021 Update – Making Headway

Note that this is written for moderate to severe toxicity cases. Mild cases can skip a lot of stages but still need to be careful because you can easily stir metals up and turn a mild case into a moderate or severe case.

I haven’t posted in so long because I was making zero progress. It didn’t matter what diet or supplements or meds I took, I was just stuck. I’m certain it was because I had taken on more responsibilities than I could manage. I had been warned to limit or avoid any psychological stress, this is crucial for moderate to severe toxicity cases. In an effort to ‘get back into life’ or ‘stay busy’ I was in fact just becoming more and more overwhelmed. Toxicity can lock us into a flight or fight response – we hardly ever, or never go into ‘rest and digest’ mode. We really do have to master how to take extremely good care of ourselves.

So I ditched a couple of projects I was always thinking about, and started saying no to a few outings that really didn’t help me. And less social media which is huge downer for me. And only then did I start to make a little more progress. So lifestyle issues are a huge factor – projects, work, relationships, hobbies, excercise regimes etc that only worsen symptoms. What can help a healthy person can hinder a toxic person.

So what am doing right now?

I am still loosely adhering to Dr Klinghart/Connie Fox/Rhoda Kingston detox protocol involving:

GUT / THYROID / PATHOGENS / METALS, or the full list from Connie’s website:

Now, Connie’s usual gut protocol did not work for me. Ketotifen is an anti-histamine and I’m low histamine so I assume this only made my histamine levels lower. Histamine is a neurotransmitter – I felt so terrible and had to stop. Connie does have a natural backup but I must admit the amount of supplements involved and trying to get them to New Zealand was difficult and frustrating. In the end it was strict diet, sunlight, no blue light/devices, coffee enemas, relaxation techniques to give my gut a chance to heal to a degree. Spending time with friends and family where i could forget my issues and just have a good time (as much as possible) was the best medicine but this was fleeting. I wanted everyone to stay on holiday for 6 months but this isn’t reality.

What I have been working on is getting back to full dose of the compounded supplements/vitamins. This goes way back to my trip to the States where I saw Dr Mensah. They do various tests and work out what nutrients you need for optimal brain function. I was skeptical; I’m not a fan of vitamins. But at full dose, these worked. The nutrients can correct Kryptopyroles, Copper toxicity, methylation and other neurological issues. These vitamins are powerful!. The first time I ramped up taking them 2 years ago, it took me 4 months to tolerate the full dose. If you have some excess copper, the zinc will start pushing/detoxing this out and you will feel neurotic and depressed. It can be brutal so must be taken slowly.

This time around (why did I stop last time? because i couldn’t find a local supplier and Mensa Medical wouldn’t prescribe me; nightmare situation) I had 2 weeks of nasty side effects as my biochemistry corrected. Every time I increased dose, i had side effects until I was near full dose. There are many of these practitioners around the world and most do remote work. But shop around, some are useless, others like Mensah are brilliant. More docs here:

Thyroid update – without testing, I started on thyroid hormone and it didn’t go as well as it did last time i tried. My goodness, it felt like someone injected some adrenaline, i was totally wired on a tiny dose, manic. Connie later explained to me that although my TSH was relatively low, it wasn’t low enough to warrant treatment with whole thyroid extract. My Free T4 was in the mid range (good) and my Free T3 was also good. TSH was 3.8 mIU/L, a bit high but this would come down naturally with the mercury detox protocol. I needed a pro to explain this; the extract i was taking was overdosing me. I will monitor this every 3 to 4 months; luckily i can just walk in off the street anytime to get this test done. Less visits to Doc the better.

So I’m building the foundation for a successful outcome. Diet and low stress lifestyle makes a huge difference. I aim for an alkaline diet which includes animal proteins. Not easy. Finding an alkaline mineral water, 7 or 8ph can help a lot. Sugar – booze  – carbs are still troublesome. But also over excercise exhausting the adrenals is equally important. My day is based on adrenal management – keeping occupied but not pushing it. If I’m doing something quite physical and actually feel good, i stop, it’s adrenaline I’m running on and will pay for it over the next few days. I’ve been taught that lesson hundreds of times.

Now that I’m on the vitamins, I feel like my body is slowly improving and the ‘flight or fight’ response is reduced. Life is better, but it’s a false sense of health, I’m still toxic. Next is tackling the unhelpful pathogens and parasites. Testing usually isn’t necessary, but the Autonomic Response Testing I did with Rhoda Kingston was impressive. She was able to pin point what “bad bugs” or chronic infections I had. So they can targeted more easily. My test came back with fungi/candida issues, retroviruses, lungworm, liver fluke, Ehrlicha. The targeted treatment for those include calendula, amebex, mimosa pudica, myrrh and more. So it’s going to be interesting to see how this stage goes. It cannot be rushed as these bugs have become a part of us so you can;t just go in and ‘kill them’ because it might feel like you’re killing yourself. I’ve been there, it’s nasty. I’m not going to waste all the work I’ve done with getting to this point. If a big mistake is made, it can set you back months or years, and is spiritually crushing. So be careful.

You don’t have to do this testing. Diet and broad spectrum bug killers will get rid of most of the critters, then you can remove the metals and then the bugs should go or be easier to treat.

After these bugs are under control, then it’s finally time to get the last of the metals out. I’m very wary of DMSA and even more so of ALA. It works for sure but only if we are strong enough. Hopefully i won’t need these chelators but if I do use them i will be extremely careful, even if it takes years to come out.

When people that are suffering hear it might take years, it can be very daunting. But that’s only because you’re hurting now. By the the time you get to the chelation stage, you won’t be suffering or hurting. But if you make a mistake, you can be back in pain very quickly.

Treating yourself is a balancing act – there’s diet, supplements, lifestyle, relationships, financial issues, the spiritual wear and tear over time. But there’s no option but to keep going and doing everything you can to get well. Not only that, there’s a holy war of sorts going on in the world at the moment, as if we didn’t need any more obstacles. Forge on with grace.

The next update I’ll be hopefully well into the bug stage so will report on that. All the best with your own healing journey.

OSR, Emeramide, Irminex, NBMI – Heavy Metal Chelator

These are all names for the same product.

It is developed by Dr Boyd Haley as a safe heavy metal chelator. Officially it is currently available for compassionate use only while it gets FDA approval. Dr Haley’s website:

There are also unofficial forums like on facebook that are obtaining it (one only has to google the product to find who else sells it). Boyd does not recommend buying it from these medical companies but people are, and getting results. All sorts of claims are being made, both good and bad, but this what I have learned about it:

  • because anyone has access to it (if they are willing to spend approx $400 to $700+ a month at full dose) people take too little or too much and also some are not heavy metal toxic, so you can imagine all the comments when really no one can prove if and how badly they are toxic and what is the correct dose for them. This puts the potentially effective product at risk of never making to to mainstream use. So please do your homework and be very careful both discussing and consuming it.
  • For sulphur sensitive people who have been severely toxic for many years, a normal dose (100mgs x 3 per day, so 300mgs) can make you feel much much worse. A much lower starting dose and a molybdenum supplement should help with this. Some people are using micro scales and starting at 1mg per day and building up.
  • OSR is lipophilic meaning it can cross the blood brain barrier and basically get everywhere and anywhere metals are hiding. Metals are bound very tightly and then excreted over time via the bowel.
  • My assumption is that because OSR also increases glutathione inside the cell, it causes toxins to be pushed out of the cell. This is good but if there isn’t enough OSR to bind to the metals then we can fell very shitty. This is my take on it I could be wrong.
  • OSR has a supposed half life of 24 hours so taking it once a day should be fine. BUT, some people seem to get what feel like redistribution symptoms after say 18 hours so find taking it more often is better. This all still very experimental so a careful approach is needed.
  • I also think that for the chronic cases, when OSR does bind and remove a metal it does disrupt the balance of that cell and it can take a while for us to recover. So there most likely will be side effects that should be able to be managed with supplements, low dosing to start, a very nutritious diet and enough rest.
  • 2 weeks cycles are recommended but once again this can be personalized. Some do a 3 day round Andy Cutler style, and also take the core four supplements – Vitamin C, magnesium, Zinc and Vitamin E. There is no standard protocol as yet. Dr Boyd Haley has taken over 100mgs every day for years but someone else may not tolerate a single dose at 5mg.

I dearly hope that this product does what it says it does and therefore will help so many people who are suffering. It is SO much easier than doing the old school chelation with DMSA, DMPS and ALA, particularly for the more severe cases. It’s just going to take some time and experimentation to work out some protocols.


1: A molybdenum option, a decent dose at 1mg per day:

2: OSR Forum  – search on Facebook

3: Boyd Haley’s video – more on Youtube and elsewhere.





June 2019 – More Changes

UPDATE Sept 19: A fruit only diet was too harsh and must have pulled too many toxins out. After 4 months of trying different approaches I had no choice but to stop incorporating fruit. I feel the fruit sugars feed the bad bugs associated with heavy metals and the astringent fruits pull out more toxins than the body can handle. The ideal food plan for me at this stage is mainly alkaline greens. Back to the salads over the summer for me.

Original post:

After stopping the customized vitamins from Mensa Medical I went downhill (after a couple of months) which was disappointing. This meant only small gains had been made over the previous year and the supps were mostly propping me up much like an anti-depressant would. Good if you don’t want to take an anti-depressant but no so good if you want a complete fix with out needing any supplements. So it was back to the drawing board for me to work out where more gains could be made.

Chelation with DMSA and ALA was also proving problematic; it was just too slow, difficult and painful. I needed another approach.

I reasoned that being acidic and then doing chelation was just making me more acidic. More acidity meant more pain and fatigue. I knew being toxic caused acidity but I hadn’t been able to get on top of it for any length of time. I came across some Dr Morse videos on you-tube and after 20 or 30 videos I decided to give his method a go. I’d forget about the metals and just work on clearing out as much of my lymphatic system as possible and then reassess things. An iridoligy eye photo showed cloudy upper eyes which meant lymphatic issues in my brain. I was skeptical about iridoligy but I admit I found this interesting and it certainly matched up with my symptoms. Only time will tell how successful this all is with follow up eye checks.

More info: 

I ended up seeing Rosanne Calabrese who operates  a clinic in Florida. Skype sessions and sending eye photos made things easy. These Morse practitioners genuinely want to help and most have been through life threatening health issues that have been solved with the Morse protocol.

So i’m a few months in on the herbs and diet, and so far it’s going better than I expected. It has been very difficult at times. I took 2 to 3 times as long as directed to tolerate the herbs as they slowly cleansed my lymphatic blockages. It’s a vegetarian diet too so I took a while to get into routines with that. This will be interesting as I’ve been told time and time again by others that meat and eggs is must for mercury/lead etc detoxing – so we will see. I’m not missing those heavy foods yet.

Fruit is a big part of the diet but I’m am really struggling with this. Fruit will naturally cleanse the lymphatics and feed the cells the vital sugars but I suspect it’s stirring up some heavy metals which are struggling to be excreted. Also, adrenals also need to be functioning well to tolerate fruit. The herbal program is big on getting the kidneys and adrenals functioning well again.

So everything has to be managed carefully and increased as tolerated. It all ties in. I’m currently ramping up the nervous system and brain lymphatic drainage so this should produce some results. So far, across the board, symptoms have been decreasing in intensity and life overall has been improving. So some improvement has happened but i’m a fair way from getting the results I want.

It may also be due to a new chelator I’m trialing which I will explain in my next post.

So overall – no supplements anymore and Dr Morse herb and diet protocol started. Also trialing a less harsh and apparently more effective chelator.






Anti-Microbial Program Breakthrough

For 10 months I’d been occasionally trying to increase doses of Fungus Fighter (HerbPharm /iherb) but with no success. I really wondered what I had to do to get over this hump on the road. I was advised to ramp up gut healing nutraceuticals and take loads of probiotics but when I took these I seemed to worsen. Being ‘anti-supplements’ in general I came up with a plan to hack this part of the program. It’s seems to have been successful.

I went totally alkaline for 6 weeks – high ph water, salads, cooked veges, seeds, tofu etc. I checked the alkalinity of my saliva and urine a couple of times a day. It took 4 weeks for my morning saliva to go from an acidic 6 to a more normal looking 7. Urine stayed about 7.2; I don’t understand why this is, I was hoping it would drop to around 5.8 or 6 to signal that I was draining acids successfully but maybe I was and all the alkaline food was masking the acid coming out.

I was pleasantly surprised I could ramp up Fungus Fighter with no issues. 3 or 4 squirts (150 drops) a day – this was unheard of. I even added a Bioray product called Liverlife and got away with taking 50 drops a day of that. Years ago 1 drop would have been my limit. Liverlife gets Phase 1 and 2 functioning in the liver. I think it was too early to take this as it started processing heavy metals and/or other toxins and this was too much for my body while on alkaline. Without taking a proper binder I probably wasn’t excreting as much as I was mobilizing. After 6 weeks I started to get run down I stopped the diet, the Liverlife and added animal protein in my diet again. I’m 25% meats, 75% mainly cooked veges. It’s early days and I’m still on max dose Fungus Fighter so it’s all been a success at this stage and should pave the way for a much easier experience with final detox/chelation. Perhaps it wasn’t necessary to go full alkaline, a diet with mostly alkaline foods may have done the job, albeit more slowly.

I also found some Bioray NDF Plus and dabbled with that but the headaches were too severe so I will put that back in the cupboard. I will avoid any Cilantro and Alpha Lipoic Acid products for the time being. Once again, mobilizing toxins is the easy part, it’s excreting them that is the more important and trickier part. Yes I could have taken way less NDF as advised but I just wanted to see what would happen. I have been guilty of just hoping and wanting a product to work even if I know it will probably make me feel worse. I spoken to others about this and it’s common because we all just want to feel better and some of our decisions are irrational.

Just a word on Thyroid. In hindsight I should have just got a test done but I phased the natural thyroid product out 100% and then got tested. ( Another ‘mercury brain’ decision ) My TSH had improved, down from 4.5 to 3.5, so it’s going the right way. I may restart the extract again to get TSH down to around the apparently ideal 1.5 area.

I sometimes respect the destructive power of underlying toxicity. It’s such a powerful negative force and we can be trying so hard in so many areas of healing and unless you start to remove it, it just keeps applying pressure and doing it’s best to weaken us. I’m glad we have solutions, not quick and easy, but there are ways to recover.

By the time I post again I should be well into final detox/chelation. I’m not totally sure what products I will use. I was thinking good old DMSA to begin with might but there are other options. For example, a friend was advised to take these products for final detox: Zeobind, Zeolites, EDTA ARG Lipophos, EDTA Rectal suppositories, then Quicksilver Vit C and R-LA, then Wheatgrass and Cilantro, then Liposomal Melatonin. Note that this person has done many months of groundwork and preparation getting to this stage – gut, liver, thyroid, diet etc. There are some seriously strong products here that could do a lot of damage to someone who doesn’t understand what they are designed for. The last few products detox your brain cells – you need to know exactly what you are doing and be under the guidance of a professional.

I look forward to the new year and continuing to make progress; all the best with your own challenges. It’s summer here in New Zealand so I’m off to get some sun and salt water on the body.






Glasses for Screen Sensitivity

I’ve made a good discovery – although not too many others seems to have the screen sensitivity that I do.

A year ago I purchased some orange “blue blocker” glasses from amazon so I could do some TV watching and computer work and not get a stress response. They improved things moderately.

I always wondered why I got this response, was it because I had some inflammation or infection around the eye area or the toxicity was playing a role. I don’t think i’ll ever find out but I suspect it’s a combination of those factors.

I recently read a fascinating article from Light Therapist Dr Alexander Wunsch. This is the type of chap who only uses 12 volt powered 5watt halogen light after sunset at his home and I think he’s doing the right thing. here’s the article:

He says:

  • we are grossly underestimating the negative effects all this fake light we live under is doing to us. New energy saving bulbs are generally not healthy and we must keep using thermal bulbs such as the common incandescent.
  • adapting to the rhythms of the seasons and ‘up with the sun, down with the sun’ is the healthiest way to live.
  • the blue light from these energy saving bulbs and florescent lights can burn our eyes.
  • the darkness hormone – melatonin, is crucial for health. 9 to 10 hours darkness is required.
  • blue light during the evening and night disrupts our hormone balance – it suppresses production of melatonin

What was surprising to me was what he said about this “mercury signature”:

“Energy saving bulbs, computer TFT monitors and LCD televisions also emit a so-called mercury light, which contains intensive energy peaks of 436 nanometres. It is precisely this wavelength that can release cell-damaging materials in the body (particularly in the eye). Mercury light intensifies the toxic effect of mercury present in the body. Possible symptoms of poisoning are aggravated in this way”

So he designed tinted glasses to block out this harmful wavelength. I’m using these glasses right now and I definitely feel an improvement over the cheaper blue-blocker pair. I cannot prove this, they may both block the same thing but they seem to be much better. I recommend anyone who is screen or fake light sensitive to try these glasses.

Murnau Prisma Glasses from a Swiss or German website:

It’s about making life as comfortable as possible while we remove these toxins from our bodies.  I recommend anyone with health issues examine their light exposure during the day and night and mitigate as much fake light as possible.

If anyone else has had any experiences with this light issue I’d like to hear from you.

Alpha Lipoic Acid Backfire – A Slight Setback

After warning people for years about taking too much Alpha Lipoic Acid too soon, I go and take too much.

I had done a few rounds of DMSA (15mg average) and had got too confident. I added 3mg ALA to the last 2 rounds and this seemed to go okay. What I hadn’t realized was it was well past it’s use-by date. So when I made the slight increase to 5mg ALA of fresh stuff it hit me hard. After 2 days I was starting to fade badly so stopped the ALA. To make matters worse, 5 days later I did another round of just DMSA thinking I would be mopping up the metals I had stirred up. This only made matters worse as the damage had been done. In theory, our minerals and glutathione levels need to recover before doing another round. I wasn’t waiting long enough in between rounds.

Then the suffering started. It was a awful 2 weeks of:

  • racing heart – I could not lie down during the day or else I would get too agitated. I had to keep busy just to keep my mind off the symptoms.
  • head/scalp tension – my God, this was something else, I’ve heard people describe a ‘head burn’, well this probably wasn’t far off.
  • burning lower arms
  • anxiety and fearfulness, awful thoughts

It’s safe to say it has been a forgettable few weeks and is only starting to resolve. A lesson learned. I was having up to 3 hot showers a day for pain relief.

I found some relief with coffee enemas, clay/charcoal binders, saunas (sometimes made me weaker), cold swims/showers, staying occupied outside the house, dry brushing skin, alkaline foods. If or when I restart DMSA rounds I will wait 11 days in between for the body to recover.

This episode also made me realize I needed to ramp up my anti-microbial program to make chelation much easier. I started Milk Kefir again, I ordered some more kefir grains online and found a local store bought milk that was suitable. Otherwise it’s all too hard. To be able to pop down to the nearest store is key, and put fresh batch on every day or 2.

Update 1 week later – had to stop Kefir as I think all the yeasts and other bacteria made me worse. Perhaps it was because it’s dairy. I’m not sure but it just didn’t suit me. I will find probitics without yeasts, sugar and lactose. 5lac has yeasts so that may also have to go.

I also make my own sauerkraut which is very simple, i seem to tolerate this in moderation. I dabble with 5Lac and Vivomixx probiotics also. (not sold on these) So the battle is on for the gut terrain. I’m ramping up the Fungus Fighter (struggling with this) and getting that up to full dose (4 droppers/day) is my immediate aim. The occasional coffee “bomb” to clear everything out, I had a really good gall bladder purge the other day with a few big soft stones coming out. Some others use the Hulda Clark liver purge but I haven’t tried this in years as I was too weak.

Cold swims in the ocean and cold (or whatever I could handle) showers seemed to be very effective. Painful to start but always seem better afterwards, as long as it doesn’t weaken you.

I have been taking up to 3 spoonfuls per day, 3 separate occasions of Dr Schultz’s charcoal and clay mix which seems to be helping. After many timing experiments I actually take it first before a meal. Big glass of warm water with the powder, wait 5 minutes, then food. An hour away from any other supplements.

In terms of what I can manage these days, I went for my first scuba dive for a decade which I seemed to handle well. I still have inflammation in the inner ear so equalizing was painful so it’ll be  while before I’m back down there but it’s a good start. Still a lot of work ahead.

Until next time, all the best with your own recovery. Hang in there and be consistent.

Forging on with Chelation and Anti-Microbials

The long drawn out process of detoxing metals continues. Some words that sum up the last few months are: discipline, consistency, focus, it’s a marathon, be careful and eat the right foods – consistently,  There’s no doubt about it that I find it difficult at times; the relentless effort required to get the job done can be tiresome in it’s own right. The roller-coaster of symptoms and trying to work out what did what seems never ending. I have had some glimpses of good health though, so I do feel I’m progressing.

Improvements I’ve noticed:

  • calmer, better mood, able to converse with people more naturally, sense of humor returning, dreadful thoughts disappearing, more energy and stamina, better appetite, enjoying food more, can stand up quickly, wanting to listen to music, more upbeat about the future, tolerate screens better and welcomed weight gain.

These might sound strange to a healthy person but the toxic people out there are all too familiar with weird symptoms that your average doctor would diagnose as “psychosomatic”.

I’ll admit I’m not exactly following the plan. I’ve obviously got some bad bug issues because every time I ramp up the bug killing products I feel rough. I lost patience and tried a round of DMSA which surprisingly didn’t knock me around too much, so I kept going. I’ve done 4 ’rounds’ of 20mg DMSA and 5mg Alpha Lipoic Acid. I’m pleased to be tolerating this dose. I’m fully aware I may not be able to tolerate it for what ever reason but it’s going well so far. I make sure I have a good break of about a week and load up on zinc and magnesium. I follow the Andy Cutler style of chelation. So I’m following  a combination of programs.

This is interesting because years ago I did over 40 rounds with 5mg DMPS but couldn’t tolerate a bigger dose. Adding ALA, even 1mg was a disaster. So what’s changed? Got thyroid TSH down, re-built gut and liver/kidney support basically. I have also used Mensah medical supplements (B12, Folate, Zinc, mag etc…) but it’s hard to say what role they’ve played. Also Dr Shultz #2 clay/charcoal mix up to 3 times per day 1/2 hour before meals. And coffee enemas as needed.

I don’t know of any two people that have had exactly the same program for getting well. We all seem to settle into whatever works through careful experimentation. There is no choice a lot of the time as many mainstream doctors will advise against chelation and thyroid support but also not come up with any other solutions – it’s usually too risky for them. In the mean time for many of us it’s a ‘do-it-yourself’ job.

So Thyroid is steady, supplements are good, I’m still experimenting with probiotics and I use milk thistle and kidney liquid formulas from Herbpharm plus some other bits and pieces. Getting the foundation right BEFORE chelation was key for me. Less chronic cases might be resilient enough to handle it straight.

  • bad bugs develop and multiply in a toxic and acidic environment
  • they always will unless we decrease the underlying toxic burden
  • pathogen load will decrease as you detoxify metals, and vice versa
  • they put a huge strain on our guts – 1000’s of billions of probiotics daily are sometimes required to get on top of the bad bug issue. Good bugs help eat the bad bugs. It’s war.
  • pathogens cause much cellular damage to organs, brain and glands.
  • these microbes produce toxic waste our liver has to deal with constantly
  • they lower or disrupt our energy frequency, we lose our vitality.
  • with pathogens decreasing, our immune system will then get a chance to catch up and strengthen. Particularly when we rebuild the gut as 90% of our immune system resides there. Strong gut = strong immune system
  • metals are excreted when bugs are killed – this is  a crucial stage and must be taken seriously and slow, particularly for severe cases. A lot is going on with this stage. Having to quit and start again can be very disappointing. Don’t just continue when feeling awful.
  • severe toxic cases require a very different protocol from mild cases. You really have to know what you’re doing.

I’m starting to understand how these unfriendly microbes associated with heavy metals really do cause us a heap of issues. Someone like Connie Fox says chelation is the final easy part and we should be feeling almost symptom free by the time we get to that stage. And Dr Klinghardt says “metals and bugs are great friends”. It’s not so much the metals directly causing us pain and weird symptoms but the associated bad bugs that seem to go hand in hand with chronic toxicity. It’s all the downstream issues that toxicity causes that give us grief. Maybe our immune systems are constantly over-whelmed trying to get on top of these chronic infections / bad bugs. That’s certainly how it feels sometimes.

All the best with your own recovery.





Setback After Not Tolerating Anti-Microbial Stage

As someone with suspected moderate to severe toxicity, I had been warned that if hadn’t done enough foundation work on my gut and liver then I would struggle with the anti-microbial stage. When these bugs die they put a strain on the gut, liver and kidneys.

Looking back, the main reason I gave up on the gut work was because I didn’t have any success with the mast cell stabiliser ‘Ketotifen’ which had apparently helped so many others. A friend with obvious and severe gut issues was having success with it so it’s pot luck. I had big expectations but it made me way worse so the next option was to use probiotics, gut friendly nutraceuticals  and foods like milk kefir.  Good probiotics are expensive and making kefir is time consuming so along with some other excuses I skipped it. Bad decision.

Before I go on, if there is some ongoing stress in your life that you can do something about, then this can be a huge help. The gut wants blood around it, this can’t happen when you’re stressed out all the time in flight-or-flight mode. And I realise the illness itself causes stress that we can only do so much about (but usually more then we think) so this issue is different for everyone. Too much fake light from devices is not good for the gut, I’ve minimised my usage particularly at nights and it has definitely helped, particularly with sleeping. It’s takes constant experimenting.

Back to the gut program – I also thought I was strong enough at that point to start the anti-microbial program which included products such as Artemesia, Fungus Fighter, Vermez (a NZ product, similar to Para-Shield). An anti-microbial program has bug killing ingredients such as Walnut Hull, Clove, Oregano Leaf, Pau d’Arco, Wormwood, Olive Leaf Extract, Garlic etc. Some also take Niacin the blood thinner so the ingredients can get into all the nooks and crannies.

Initially I started well but as the weeks progressed I got weaker. My will power to get better kept me going but it got to a point where was rapidly fading away and had no choice but to stop. I didn’t follow instructions properly either – I started taking small doses of everything instead of ramping up one product at a time to full dose and then moving on.

After a demoralising day or 2 I when back to the drawing board and made a plan for the gut and liver work. I’m currently tolerating well the Milk thistle for liver and a kidney support (both HerbPharm products from iherb).

For gut i take Slippery Elm (mucosal lining healer) and should really make some magic gut tea to sip away on all day which includes slippery elm, marsh-mellow root and licorice.

Probiotics include sporadic batches of kefir, ramping up FiveLac powder and looking to add something like Vivomixx. This all seems to be working because every time I increase dosage I get headaches and fatigue but it clears relatively quickly. I take a binder in the mornings and sometimes at night away from anything else consumed. (Dr Shultz Intestinal binder). And Dr Shultz #1 to get things moving; very effective.

I will wait until I can tolerate maximum dose of the gut and probiotic products and only then will have another attempt at the bug killing stage. And then comes the extraction of toxins from inside the cell which will most likely involve Alpha Lipoic acid and some form of chelator/binder such as DMSA to escort it pout of the body.  I did an “Andy Cutler” round of DMSA (extra-cellular detox / outside the cell) a few weeks ago and that went well but I tried ALA alone and that was a disaster so be very careful with this as it crosses the blood brain barrier and allows toxins to travel in and out. It is VERY easy to shift toxins from relatively safe locations to not so safe locations and make yourself MUCH worse. Which method I use will be decided in the future with consultation with professionals matched with what I think i can handle.

As desperate as we are to get these toxins out of our bodies we have to be patient. Big mistakes will only delay recovery.

My recovery program is currently based on:

  • Connie Fox detox program – thyroid, gut, heavy metal detox. – Dr Klinghardt.
  • Dr Jack Kruse circadian rhythm guidelines
  • Root Cause protocol – importance of magnesium and diet
  • Paleo Diet – nothing that can feed the unwanted bacteria associated with toxicity – sugar, booze, bread – most high glycemic carbs.

Next update will be when I attempt the bug killing stage again. I hope this post has helped and given you some clues as to what to do next or possible root causes.





Anti-Microbial / Parasite / Viral / Fungal Program

I’m pleased to say I now have enough resilience and core strength to tolerate the anti microbial supplements. Many months ago I could not tolerate any bug killing food or supplement. Even Coconut oil would send me into a spiral of physical and mental suffering. I couldn’t even tolerate a 1 drop per day of Liver Life. I was at a roadblock, i just could not progress. No wonder products like cilantro, DMPS/DMSA, Alpha Lipoic Acid were total disasters for me a while back; it’s because my body was in no shape to handle them. They are great products in their own right but timing is everything. You cannot rush severe and chronic toxicity issues.

What was vital for getting me to this level was balancing my thyroid (even though the doctors said it was normal – they were wrong) , taking customized supplements including B6 and Zinc to fix the Pyroluria/Pyrolles issue and getting diet right. Without this, I was going nowhere just existing and hoping I would find some solution. Part of me had given up; it was a miserable existence. I’d seen over 80 health practitioners over a 22 year period. I was starting to suspect my own sanity, and it didn’t help that the ‘best’ doctors in the country were saying it was psychosomatic. I can now confirm that this was total bullshit and no anti-psychotic drug or psychotherapy would have ever had a long lasting positive effect.

So to be at the stage where I am improving and can tolerate supplements and reduce my microbial load is great. Food and sleep actually work now, in terms of natural recovery from daily activities. But the job isn’t done yet, the bug/parasite/worm killing side effects aren’t fun if I don’t manage the program well but this is all part of learning and healing.

This is the last stage before actually directly pulling out any heavy metals like lead and mercury. Much of this toxic load would have already come out by that stage (when bugs are killed they can release toxins) and one should be feeling relatively strong or much stronger than previously to be able to tolerate the final detox products like synthetic chelators and alpha lipoic acid and cilantro etc. These are examples; I’m not sure what I will be using yet.

Below is a pic of most of the anti-microbial program products.

So I’m established on whole thyroid extract, nutraceuticals/supplements and a damn good diet for me. Everyone is different but it’s based on a meat, eggs, greens regime with very little carbs, sugar – you know the drill. High quality food. If you’ve found an ideal diet that is not what generally works for others then that’s great. I’ll admit I haven’t been so strict and had the occasional bread, chocolate, diary blowout and the odd beer. I tolerated those foods way better but it’s defeating the purpose – those foods feed what we are trying to kill.

Brief Overview

Dr Shultz: Intestinal formula # 1. This has been the most effective anti-constipation product I’ve used. The time between getting the message and sitting down is alarmingly quick! When detoxing, you want things to be passing through you relatively quickly for a number of reasons. Even with clay/charcoal binders; you don’t want these agents getting stuck and eventually soaking back into your bloodstream. They absorb a lot but they aren’t perfect. If you don’t use a product like this then you are going to have to rely on enemas which are cheaper but more work. Or any other method you have discovered to get things moving.

Niacin: dilates small blood vessels so the bug killing formulas can really get in there

Grapefruit Juice/Extract: Our livers make enzymes that lessen the effect of the bug killers; this inhibits the enzymes. It is also an antimicrobial in itself.

Milk Thistle: general liver support. The liver will be under strain so any support for it is recommended. Although it is not directly a bug killer it can mobilize a backlog of toxins so just be aware of this. I started on this first and used the coffee and charcoal/clay when feeling rough. Once established on this I introduced the active bug killers.

Fungus Fighter: anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial. Kidney support.

Harker Vermez: a deworming/parasite intestinal cleanser. This is a New Zealand product but there are similar potions around containing wormwood, green walnut leaf and clove oil and more. Davinci Labs Para Shield is another option.

Liver Life: opens up liver detox pathways and supports kidney function. This product is not actually part of the official program I’ve been given. I find it very powerful and increasing the daily dose has been slow going. I should be fine with the Milk Thistle so I suspect the herbs in there are helping to flush out toxins. I’ll bear with it and reassess things in a month.

Coffee Enemas: as a veteran who has done over 200 of these over the years I can safely say these have been one of the most effective detox / plan management treatments out there. They also cost around $0.50 each and you don’t have to leave home. I’m doing one every few days at the moment and more if I’m not tolerating a higher bug killer dose. Clay and Charcoal can help a lot but there’s nothing like a full flush out to ease the detox side effect pain. The coffee has acids in it that dilate tubes around the gallbladder and liver, sometimes you can hear the dirty old bile getting squeezed out into your gut. Your gut then senses this toxicity and immediately expels it. Doctors have told me i’m wrong on this but they’ve never done one!!?? My first few coffee enemas expelled hundreds of pea sized balls most likely from my gallbladder or liver ducts, this literally saved me from a world of pain.

I haven’t met many others who have had the success I’ve had with this treatment but i think it’s really worth a go.

Dr Shultz: Formula # 2 Clay / Charcoal: an effective binder of whatever is expelled from your gallbladder and soaked in from the gut wall. I am still experimenting as to when is the best time to take this. I use it half an hour after taking the bug killers and after a coffee enema if I’m feeling light headed. I’ve also tried before bed and upon waking. Hopefully it becomes clear what works and I can share this. If I’m really struggling then I take it throughout the day on an as needed basis. Coffee enema may also be required. But if it gets to this stage then I decrease my dosage as it can be too tough on the body. One has to be patient in this game. On the occasional day off I bounce back strongly so this is positive.

Improvements on days off have been better mood, clearer head, better sleep, food tastes better, less anxiety/irritability, smoother skin. Just all round improvements in general.

The amount of supplements can be overwhelming but until someone comes with a better solution then this is the way it is. It takes discipline, dedication and planning. It can be a lonely experience but if you’ve made it this far then you can keep going.

Other supplements commonly used are garlic, probiotics, para shield, lymecore formula. I’m sure there are many others that also have worked well for people. Let me know in the comments if you have had success. Infrared saunas and light exercise/stretching/swimming also can help. It’s constant experimentation. As long as you understand what you are trying to do and what support your body needs. Toxins into bloodstream – liver – gallbladder/kidney/skin then out. These channels must be supported and functioning reasonably well before undertaking this stage.

A full description on dosages and products will be in my detailed program published later this year (assuming my progress continues as this rate)

All the best with your own recovery.