Category Archives: Healing / Retracing

Anti-Microbial / Parasite / Viral / Fungal Program

I’m pleased to say I now have enough resilience and core strength to tolerate the anti microbial supplements. Many months ago I could not tolerate any bug killing food or supplement. Even Coconut oil would send me into a spiral of physical and mental suffering. I couldn’t even tolerate a 1 drop per day of Liver Life. I was at a roadblock, i just could not progress. No wonder products like cilantro, DMPS/DMSA, Alpha Lipoic Acid were total disasters for me a while back; it’s because my body was in no shape to handle them. They are great products in their own right but timing is everything. You cannot rush severe and chronic toxicity issues.

What was vital for getting me to this level was balancing my thyroid (even though the doctors said it was normal – they were wrong) , taking customized supplements including B6 and Zinc to fix the Pyroluria/Pyrolles issue and getting diet right. Without this, I was going nowhere just existing and hoping I would find some solution. Part of me had given up; it was a miserable existence. I’d seen over 80 health practitioners over a 22 year period. I was starting to suspect my own sanity, and it didn’t help that the ‘best’ doctors in the country were saying it was psychosomatic. I can now confirm that this was total bullshit and no anti-psychotic drug or psychotherapy would have ever had a long lasting positive effect.

So to be at the stage where I am improving and can tolerate supplements and reduce my microbial load is great. Food and sleep actually work now, in terms of natural recovery from daily activities. But the job isn’t done yet, the bug/parasite/worm killing side effects aren’t fun if I don’t manage the program well but this is all part of learning and healing.

This is the last stage before actually directly pulling out any heavy metals like lead and mercury. Much of this toxic load would have already come out by that stage (when bugs are killed they can release toxins) and one should be feeling relatively strong or much stronger than previously to be able to tolerate the final detox products like synthetic chelators and alpha lipoic acid and cilantro etc. These are examples; I’m not sure what I will be using yet.

Below is a pic of most of the anti-microbial program products.

So I’m established on whole thyroid extract, nutraceuticals/supplements and a damn good diet for me. Everyone is different but it’s based on a meat, eggs, greens regime with very little carbs, sugar – you know the drill. High quality food. If you’ve found an ideal diet that is not what generally works for others then that’s great. I’ll admit I haven’t been so strict and had the occasional bread, chocolate, diary blowout and the odd beer. I tolerated those foods way better but it’s defeating the purpose – those foods feed what we are trying to kill.

Brief Overview

Dr Shultz: Intestinal formula # 1. This has been the most effective anti-constipation product I’ve used. The time between getting the message and sitting down is alarmingly quick! When detoxing, you want things to be passing through you relatively quickly for a number of reasons. Even with clay/charcoal binders; you don’t want these agents getting stuck and eventually soaking back into your bloodstream. They absorb a lot but they aren’t perfect. If you don’t use a product like this then you are going to have to rely on enemas which are cheaper but more work. Or any other method you have discovered to get things moving.

Niacin: dilates small blood vessels so the bug killing formulas can really get in there

Grapefruit Juice/Extract: Our livers make enzymes that lessen the effect of the bug killers; this inhibits the enzymes. It is also an antimicrobial in itself.

Milk Thistle: general liver support. The liver will be under strain so any support for it is recommended. Although it is not directly a bug killer it can mobilize a backlog of toxins so just be aware of this. I started on this first and used the coffee and charcoal/clay when feeling rough. Once established on this I introduced the active bug killers.

Fungus Fighter: anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial. Kidney support.

Harker Vermez: a deworming/parasite intestinal cleanser. This is a New Zealand product but there are similar potions around containing wormwood, green walnut leaf and clove oil and more. Davinci Labs Para Shield is another option.

Liver Life: opens up liver detox pathways and supports kidney function. This product is not actually part of the official program I’ve been given. I find it very powerful and increasing the daily dose has been slow going. I should be fine with the Milk Thistle so I suspect the herbs in there are helping to flush out toxins. I’ll bear with it and reassess things in a month.

Coffee Enemas: as a veteran who has done over 200 of these over the years I can safely say these have been one of the most effective detox / plan management treatments out there. They also cost around $0.50 each and you don’t have to leave home. I’m doing one every few days at the moment and more if I’m not tolerating a higher bug killer dose. Clay and Charcoal can help a lot but there’s nothing like a full flush out to ease the detox side effect pain. The coffee has acids in it that dilate tubes around the gallbladder and liver, sometimes you can hear the dirty old bile getting squeezed out into your gut. Your gut then senses this toxicity and immediately expels it. Doctors have told me i’m wrong on this but they’ve never done one!!?? My first few coffee enemas expelled hundreds of pea sized balls most likely from my gallbladder or liver ducts, this literally saved me from a world of pain.

I haven’t met many others who have had the success I’ve had with this treatment but i think it’s really worth a go.

Dr Shultz: Formula # 2 Clay / Charcoal: an effective binder of whatever is expelled from your gallbladder and soaked in from the gut wall. I am still experimenting as to when is the best time to take this. I use it half an hour after taking the bug killers and after a coffee enema if I’m feeling light headed. I’ve also tried before bed and upon waking. Hopefully it becomes clear what works and I can share this. If I’m really struggling then I take it throughout the day on an as needed basis. Coffee enema may also be required. But if it gets to this stage then I decrease my dosage as it can be too tough on the body. One has to be patient in this game. On the occasional day off I bounce back strongly so this is positive.

Improvements on days off have been better mood, clearer head, better sleep, food tastes better, less anxiety/irritability, smoother skin. Just all round improvements in general.

The amount of supplements can be overwhelming but until someone comes with a better solution then this is the way it is. It takes discipline, dedication and planning. It can be a lonely experience but if you’ve made it this far then you can keep going.

Other supplements commonly used are garlic, probiotics, para shield, lymecore formula. I’m sure there are many others that also have worked well for people. Let me know in the comments if you have had success. Infrared saunas and light exercise/stretching/swimming also can help. It’s constant experimentation. As long as you understand what you are trying to do and what support your body needs. Toxins into bloodstream – liver – gallbladder/kidney/skin then out. These channels must be supported and functioning reasonably well before undertaking this stage.

A full description on dosages and products will be in my detailed program published later this year (assuming my progress continues as this rate)

All the best with your own recovery.

Update Feb 2018

My recovery is going well. I feel at about 65-70% well. A year ago I also thought I was at this level but I was actually much worse. Back then I was at around 30-40% which was a miserable place to be.

I’ve still got work to do – I’m approaching stage 4 of 5. I’m tolerating all the vitamins so next is reducing bugs, bio-films, mold and candida if I I have it. I’m going to do the 3 month+ course anyway just to clear the path for the final stage which is intracellular detoxification. I should be feeling much better and have some resilience by then as this stage is tough on the body.

I continue to do what I mentioned in my previous post:

  • High dose customised supplements. I’m finally able to tolerate (took 3 months) a full dose of the supplements which I listed a few posts back. 2000mcg, 400mcg Folic Acid, 100mgs B6 plus many others all formulated into 2 caps in the morning and 4 at night. This is not a DIY job, these levels are customised to my biochemistry and will change over time. They are designed to normalize neurotransmitter levels which obviously have a huge impact on overall health. Hunt around for a good practitioner; I had to go to the Sates to see Dr Mensah himself. I could have gone to Aussie but decided to not muck around and go straight to the man himself. This is not part of Connie Fox’s program but the nutrients are similar.


  • Thyroid levels corrected: TSH (thyroid simulating hormone) must be kept around 1 to 1.5.  Re-test every 3 months. My doctor said my initially high (hypo) TSH was in the “normal’ range. Then when it was really low (hyper) it was apparently also in the normal range. Unbelievable. Me believing this over the last decade has cost me, it’s been a huge mistake not treating the thyroid. Correcting my TSH down to 1.5 has made a huge difference. If you’re toxic with something like mercury or other poijsons, it can mess with your thyroid and make you feel real shitty and miserable. Whole/Natural Thyroid Extract will correct TSH. Micro doses are needed for sensitive individuals. E.g


  • Avoid/ Limit stress: being unwell is a stressful time so you initially can only do so much. Everything must be examined – relationships, loneliness, noise, driving, EMF, fake light – computers, too much exercise and more.


  • Avoid / Limit EMF:  as I was sensitive to EMF and most likely WI-FI I built a small cabin so I sleep outside of the house. It’s zero AC current, (my body voltage in my existing room was about 15 volts AC!). It runs off a car battery and solar panel and sleep much better; it;s so much ‘calmer’. I realise not everyone can just go and build a cabin on their front lawn so things to do in the mean time is measure your body voltage where you sleep, turn off wifi at night or run Ethernet cables to devices, turn off house power at the switchboard. All this is a hassle so that’s why I moved outside. I really had to make some big changes. It may not be necessary if you can do the above and get stronger therefore losing the sensitivity, but it sure helps and no one should be living in a house with a lot of stray electrical activity. We are getting bombarded with cell site microwave, wifi, unshielded house wiring, and blue light from big TV’s and looking at devices after sunset. I advise limiting this as it messes with the melatonin and glutathione you need for a deep restorative/detox sleep. Dr Klinghardt has good info about this. Also, as Dr Jack Kruse explains, AM light is really important and has helped me. I spend as much of the morning outside or working near a window to natural light. Our brain needs this.


  • Gut: my gut wasn’t too bad but I know some people really have some issues. Be aware of gut brain issues where if you are neurologically stressed then this will negatively affect you gut, no matter how many amazing ‘gut repair’ and special diets you try. Someone like Connie Fox in Florida has a lot of great ideas about healing the gut. Toxicity still has to be resolved or else you’ll be managing symptoms for ever. NB: I have no business relationship with Connie.


  • Purpose: really anything that you live for. A hobby, work, future career, study, an upcoming event, gardening, family, travel, a project. Don’t let health be everything or else it can become a vacuum. I know it’s important but if you are at it all the time you can become worse; you become IT. I know because it happened with me. Try to have as much fun and socializing as possible. I know this sounds ridiculous as some people are bedridden and couldn’t think of anything worse and just cannot enjoy anything they used to do. This will change as you improve. I visualized being well and doing all the things I used to do. Our brains don’t know any different so visualize your healthy future. At times working and getting your health program started will take a  lot of time and it must be your primary focus. It can take time to accept this; realizing that for the time being you cannot do what want to do or live how you used to live. It is difficult at times, there’s no doubt about it.


  • Initial Tough Stage: I vary rarely need to do any of these pain and symptom management techniques anymore but I’ll list what I did anyway: coffee enemas were a life saver, I built my own infra-red sauna, soaking in the lake/ocean, spending time outdoors as uncomfortable as the bright light was. Slow deep breathing, trying to relax somehow once a day.  A very strict diet was essential – for my biochemistry it was as many greens as possible with some animal protein. Just experiment until you get it right. I could not touch wheat, diary, sugar, booze. Be careful with supplements if you don’t know what you’re doing as they can make you way worse.


Below – Getting out and about and actually well enough to enjoy it. That’s what people don’t understand – I could have done this when I was weak but I would have hated it and that wouldn’t have been good for me.

My near zero emf ‘off the grid’ cabin running off an old car battery and solar panel. It’s good knowing there aren’t any live cables within a metre from my head when I’m sleeping. For most people this isn’t possible. As you progress with healing/detoxing these sensitivities should subside.

Cheers, John

Feb 2017 Update

The good news is that I’m still making good gains. The work on improving my gut is mostly done and the main ingredient was a type of anti-histamine alongside other herbal products. I would never imagine an anti-histamine helping but what this does in short, is reset the gut. This achieved what nothing else could. Not even weeks on raw diet and many other types of treatment over the years (like 10 years!). I was that weak and ill that I needed something powerful. Gut healing can also be done with an intense program involving probiotics, diet and other supplements but I was at a point where I really didn’t care what I took; as long as it worked.

There’s more to this story than just taking it and feeling better but I will leave that for another post or my eventual book.

Once the gut is working better then this turns everything around. Food and sleep start doing what they are supposed to be do and healing can finally begin.

Phase two is getting on top of chronic infections and taking  a load off of your immune system. These infections can also house heavy metals (heavy metals and unfriendly microbes go hand in hand) and other toxins so when they are killed these toxins can re-circulate in our bloodstream and make us feel shitty. Biofilms can be involved here. The strengthened gut, plus a clay and charcoal mix, improved liver function is there to process and ‘mop up’ these toxins. So without even taking chelating agents, these toxins will leave the body. If they don’t get excreted they will redistribute and cause even more trouble. I wish I could prove this by doing testing every few weeks but it’s just not feasible. I’m happy with just feeling better as time goes on; that’s what we all want.

So I’ve introduced some anti-microbial herbs like clove, wormwood, oregano, coconut oil, and others to start to decrease my immune load. I’ve started slowly as you do, and side effects are noticeable but aren’t too bad. This is something that cannot be rushed and will take a few months to get on top of them. I should be feeling improved after these bad bugs are deceased / dormant and then true chelation can start with the likes of EDTA, Cilantro, Lipoic Acid etc.

These should be tolerated by that stage. Cilantro and ALA hurt me badly back in the day so I will be very careful with these. Remember toxins are very easy to mobilize but more difficult to excrete.

Diet has been very important for me. I eat nothing that feeds these little critters – that means sugar, bread, pasta, sugary drinks. There is no point feeding them up and trying to kill them at the same time. So it’s back to the ketogenic / paleo foods which i happen to enjoy anyway. I have the odd ‘cheat meal’ or ‘cheat day’ but get back on the keto/paleo wagon without out too much trouble.

I hope this post has been informative and I will post again when I have more info


Which Hair Test is Best?

What I mean by the title is which Hair Testing company provides the most accurate and informative results.

For Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) I have used Analytical Research Labs (via Dr L Wilson) in the past. The results have been accurate but there is a better alternative available.

I’m afraid to say that ARL is a little behind the times. They seem to be stuck in the 1980’s and they haven’t adapted or changed over time. (as at July 2016). I hope they lift their game.

Trace Elements (TEI) in Texas provide more information than ARL. They use the same quality testing procedure but a skilled hair test interpreter is missing some vital clues if only relying on ARL tests.

I took a snapshot of part of the Trace Elements test but the full sample is at the end of the post.

Trace Elements

Trace Elements Hair Test


With Trace Elements you get:

  • 15 Nutritional Elements including Sulfur an accurate Boron reading.
  • 8 Toxic Elements including Antimony, Uranium and Berylium. That’s on top of Mercury, Aluminium, Lead, Arsenic and Cadmium. (ARL just has these last 5)
  • 14 Additional Elements including: Germanium, Barium, Bismuth, Rubidium, Nickel, Lithium, Platinum, Thallium, Vanadium, Strontium, Tin, Titanium, Tungsten, Zirconium. (ARL only do 5)
  • 7 Significant Ratios. These are gold for interpreters; more the better. Both companies provide the same with Trace Elements adding Iron/Copper.
  • 9 Toxic Ratios – e.g. Calcium/Lead. Toxic minerals vs Essential Minerals.
  • 11 Additional Ratios – mainly for reference while patient improves.

Here’s what a full sample test looks like: (PDF)

Trace Elements Hair Test

You’ll most likely have to find a practitioner to get access to these testing facilities but that shouldn’t be too difficult. Hunt around on the net or email Trace Elements

A hair test is a great start to unravelling the underlying causes of your symptoms. If the practitioner you are seeing doesn’t cut the mustard then show the test to someone who does and don’t stop till you get some answers.

The hair analysis should give you some clues as to what do next in terms of recovering your health.

Everything else I’m doing is covered in my Book


Chelation Therapy Isn’t An Exact Science

I’ve done 26 rounds of chelation following the Andrew Cutler protocol. This involves taking a chelating agent such as DMPS, DMSA and or ALA (Alpha Lipoic Acid) at regular doses. For nearly all 26 doses I’ve used DMPS at a relatively small dose of 2.5mg every 8 hours for 3 days then take 4 days or off before starting the next ’round’. That’s all I can handle.

Up until November 2015 this was going well; very slow progress but going pretty well. I cannot prove that my progress can be atributed to doing chelation therapy but i’m certain that it is. The fact that I cannot tolerate a higher dose than 2.5mg DMPS says to me that I have a rather severe heavy metal toxicity issue and I suspect my methylation system is not working well at all. There are other factors which I’m still learning about.

Chelation Therapy is really the only thing at this stage that has made positive gains for me but I still have much to learn about this fascinating but frustrating treatment. I feel I could be doing much better so I’m working on that. I’d like to be taking more and I’d like to be feeling better overall while I ‘chelate’.

However, I made a mistake by introducing 3mg ALA rounds 19-24 in late 2015. Now I realise that is has actually stirred the toxins up, particularly in my head as I have gained more neurological symptoms. Obviously the DMPS could not mop up the mercury that the ALA pulled out and it has been redistributed. ALA can pull toxins out of the brain, DMPS cannot. So I have to be very careful about adding ALA in the future as I understand it has to be to get the brain toxins out. A tiny 1mg dose is probably ideal and it’s common for people to take this amount. ALA is supposedly a true chelator that makes a strong bond with toxins and escorts them out of the body but it obviously ‘lets go’ of the odd toxic molecule which then wrecks some havoc on me.

The catch 22 is that Mercury disrupts the methylation cycle so that’s why it can take so long to remove it all. I view chelation therapy as doing a raid on the bad guys; get in, take what you need and get out before you cause any trouble or raise the alarm.

So the idea is to do a minimum 3 days round without causing too much trouble. These chelators can be tough on the body so supplements such as adrenal support, magnesium, zinc and vitamin C and E have to be taken while ‘in’ and ‘off’ round.

It is assumed that half to one percent of toxic metals are removed each round anyone does so you can see that 100 to 200 rounds may take some years. It’s a marathon but we also are feeling better as time goes on so it really is just a matter of time and being persistent and consistent. Knowing that mercury is the problem or a big part of the problem gives me some peace of mind as not knowing what is wrong is incredibly stressful and frustrating.

I’m learning more about the methylation cycle; there are great videos on YouTube from guys like Ben Lynch. Many things can done such as DNA tests and subsequent supplementation with the likes of B12, Methyl Folate, SAMe etc so I’m going down another rabbit hole here but not jumping into anything just yet.

For starters there are 4 types of B12 one can take so it’s not straight forward. But B12 is crucial for so many things so it’s something I want to make sure I’m getting enough of. I eat meat but if my absorption isn’t great then my cells might not be getting enough.

Dr Andy Cutler is not convinced that doing these DNA tests and spending huge amounts of time on methylation are necessary because with time and less heavy metals in our systems, methylation will correct itself, regardless of whether some of us have more ‘junk DNA’ than others.

Only time will tell. The experiment continues….  🙂

For more info:

Facebook – Andy Cutler Think Tank Private Group

DIM Witted Idea Turns Out Okay

I found Dr Chris Shade’s info and videos about heavy metal detoxification very interesting. He’s very confident and has some good stories which gave me enough confidence to experiment without doing enough of my own homework. One fascinating product he was explaining was Diindolylmethane or ‘DIM’. DIM is a phytonutrient found in cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli and Brussel sprouts. It’s usually marketed as helping with estrogen hormone metabolism; basically smoothing out associated symptoms including poor sleep and hot flushes etc.

You might be thinking what’s this got to do with detoxification but DIM is also capable of turning on the master switch for cellular detoxification – the NRF2 system. This system can be ‘down regulated’ or ‘turned off’ if we get chronically ill, have mold toxin issues or general heavy metal toxin problems. Mold and Mercury are great companions. It can make us stuck and then it becomes difficult to get well unless you really know what you are doing.

I was a typical ‘sensitive patient’ whereby anything I took that mobilised toxins really knocked me around. Cilantro, Chlorella, Alpha Lipoic Acid – wow what a headache. ALA is brilliant but it has to be used very carefully and with supporting products. A small dose of ALA 3mg every 3 hours (per Andrew Cutler Chelation protocol) for a day or two would give a 2 or 3 day headache to remember. Taking DMPS with ALA for the 3 day round solved this which I was most relieved.

Apparently this sensitivity could mean that somehow, perhaps something like mold being an issue, or metals severely disrupting our systems, they have epigenetically (environment has disrupted our system) turned off our NRF2 system and now the cell has great difficulty pushing out toxins. Enter DIM.

DIM turns this back on but it’s not that simple. If you’re sensitive, depending on dosage, DIM can also knock you around because if it is very effective for getting the cell to push toxins out then your body might not be able to deal with these. When I used DIM for a week I got completely different reaction to when I used ALA for example. It was like these were a different type of toxin because they produced a different set of side effects.

I couldn’t import the Liposomal DIM to New Zealand due to Custom’s regulation but I did track down a product called Nature’s Way DIM Plus. Because it was in capsule form I assumed it wouldn’t be that effective so I took the standard dose of 1 pill a day which is 100mg. A few days went by with no noticeable side effects but the fireworks began about Day 6. Nothing too much to worry about so I went ahead and took another on day 7 which was a mistake. Obviously it was having a cumulative effect on my system because that afternoon I neurologically went downhill. All sorts of old emotions and thoughts from years ago came whooshing through me and there was very difficult to stop. I was mentally really getting pushed around and if I hadn’t being tested years before then this would have been very frightening. It was frightening enough and I got a real shock. I had extreme muscle tension, itchy eyes, agitation and other generally awful systems.

It felt like I had released a different batch of toxins into my bloodstream and they couldn’t get out. All sorts of new and old symptoms turned up and I was really pissed off with myself. What a stuff up! With no professional advice and no research on dosing, I felt well enough just to plough into this supplement and I paid the price.

I pulled out all the stops in terms of damage limitation – coffee enemas, saunas, rest etc. but my reliable methods didn’t help much. It took 5 weeks to recover. After that I felt quite good and I began to think that the DIM had perhaps helped me. It’s too early to tell but I’ll be keeping an eye on this product and may use it again in the future but be much more careful with dosing. I spoke to someone who used the Liposomal DIM Spray and their practitioner started by rubbing a couple of drops a day on the wrist only. Okay, so the 3 sprays a day recommended on the bottle is way too much for some.

I hope this has given you some insight into DIM which I think has great potential in detox programs but please be very careful and do your homework on this one. The Chris Shade videos on YouTube and his website are worth a watch if you have a few spare hours up your sleeve.

It’s great to see so many changes taking place in this world of toxic bodies and all of the associated problems. We are all so different and require individual programs that take time to work out. This comes down to doing it ourselves so much of the time and there will be setbacks.

Toxicity is so commonly the foundation of chronic illness but properly detoxing is a science which dynamically changes as we get better.

NB: To end the story on a good note I gave the DIM to Mum explaining the hormonal benefits and after 3 weeks she has had no detox reactions and is sleeping better. It’s certainly not doing her any harm which at least could mean that her cellular detox system is working well which is good. It’s certainly working a lot better than mine.

Latest Hair Test Results – Finally Out Of ‘Four Lows’

After 18 months of following the Nutritional Balancing program I have finally dragged myself out of the awful ‘four lows’ situation. I may again drop down to ‘4 lows’ to deal with more issues but results are inevitably going in the right direction. I still find the program very hard to follow and i’m happy if I can do 60-70% of it. This is no doubt the hard way to get better but it’s the only way I know about for now, and perhaps also the best. I’ve been guilty of searching for quick fixes but usually this has just delayed my recovery.

The longer I do NB, the more i gain confidence in it. It has taken me so long to really understand how it works. The diet, saunas, coffee time and supplements etc all work together to get great results. There are so many other products out there now claiming to do wonderful things and this is exactly what sick and vulnerable people want to hear. Please don’t chop and change products and continually search the internet. It’s stressful and only adds to your recovery time. Do your homework first before adding any extras to the simple but proven Nutritional Balancing program.

Below are my latest results and accompanying audio file:

Out of 'Four Lows'

Out of ‘Four Lows’

For the Audio, click below:

Nearly Gave Up while Retracing..

I have just got through a month of Retracing (or Healing Crisis). I really couldn’t do to much at all and I felt miserable. After a few weeks of this, just like last time, I began to lose faith in my program. I started to question whether the supplements were doing more harm than good. As soon as this lack of faith starts to kick in, it can be a matter of hours before I decide to give up and just stop everything. But I hung in there; staying as calm as possible and just ‘watching’ the symptoms. That is the key, either I reacted negatively to the retracing, adding unnecessary stress, or gracefully continue with what has worked up to this point.

I may have lowered some supplement doses and done some more symptom support, but I stayed true to course.

About a week after this turning point, I came out of it feeling better than before it started.

It takes so long to get use to just quietly dealing with symptoms instead of forcing them to go. We are programmed to believe than and pain or suffering isn’t good and it must be relieved immediately by any means. It’s actually an unhealthy way to go because our bodies never get to do the healing work they are designed to do. We constantly kick the can down the road and can’t understand why we never feel vibrant; always on the lookout for something to stimulate us out of our stupor, like coffee and carbs or dull the pain with booze.

So hang in there and have faith in the program, even if you feel worse than you ever have, because it’s only temporary. Be patient and don’t react – it wastes energy and whatever you get angry with starts to have power over you. Don’t let it in.

I have my third hair re-test due back in a month so that will be interesting. I wonder if this recent retracing episode will show up on it as a dumping of copper or mercury. We’ll see.

Understanding Retracing & Healing Reactions.

It’s taking me a while to get used to “retracing”. Retracing, or Healing Reactions, are part of the healing process. The closer I follow my program, the more these reactions seem to occur. As my body gets stronger, it ‘goes back’ and heals old infections, wounds and injuries from the past. It’s impossible to know exactly what is happening but there may be some detoxing occurring or chronic infections finally being dealt with. My vitality is meant to increase every time these reactions occur. Healing crises or reactions are an essential part of deep healing methods so it’s good news that these are happening. Apparently most people have some chronic infections. Perhaps this is why the same symptoms occur when people get sick; it’s really just a flare-up of an underlying infection that is chronic but isn’t bad enough to warrant doing anything about.

I’ve had all sorts of strange symptoms and feelings over the last 5 months. The latest is a very uncomfortable inner ear infection/inflammation that has been lurking in the background for over 10 years but has finally come to the surface. Over the last 3 weeks it has worsened to the point where I need to do something about it.

I was making plans to contact my regular doctor but guessed that antibiotics would be the only solution and I didn’t want that. The natural solution for infections would be Colloidal Silver so I have started on that.

Update 23rd May 2014: I decided not to go to the mainstream doctor but adjust my supplements to a level that made my symptoms tolerable. This was successful and it was just  a case of being patient while my body solved these apparent chronic infections by itself. So I continue to make slow  and steady progress, which is good.

I’ve learnt that in terms of what and how many supplements I take isn’t set in stone by a program or any health practitioner. It can be based on that but ultimately it comes down to how I am feeling while taking them. It has taken a while to make decisions based on ‘feel’ than a set program or instructions. Our bodies are constantly changing and therefore we have to adapt and fine tune our programs as we heal.