Category Archives: General

Normal Thyroid Results probably aren’t normal

After years of getting thyroid tests done which are always within the ‘healthy’ limits, I never questioned whether my thyroid was ever playing  a role in chronic illness.

My last test showed 3.5 TSH. Well within the upper limit of 4.5.

Except these lab ranges are obsolete and TSH should be around 1.2 but not higher than 1.5.

So it only took 15 years to work out I’m hypo-thyroid. Chronic Toxicity can disrupt the hormonal system and not enough thyroid hormone is getting to the thyroid. So we have to temporarily hack this in an effort to get stronger so the toxins can come out.

This done by taking a slow release NDT or Natural Dessicated Thyroid pill to give the thyroid what it needs. Brand names include Nature Throid and Armour but much more info is available at Or search for ‘stop the thyroid madness’

Blood tests have to be done very few months to ensure that TSH level stays balanced around 1.2. The thyroid meds can be weaned of when detox is being completed. When the metals have gone, the thyroid should work fine just by itself.

This is just another example of mainstream medicine being wrong again. Imagine how many people come away with normal results but they feel like something is wrong. It really is madness.

However, I have not proved this myself but I am currently on Thiroyd with an i. I had to get it from overseas because my doctor won’t give me Nature Throid because my results are normal. This is typical and and frustrating but I don’t get too pissed off anymore as there are always solutions. So many people are in the same boat.

Dosing is very important. I started with very small amounts. My dosing is an 1/8 of a grain (approx 5mg) per day for 5 days, then increase to 1/4 grain etc. One grain is 60mgs.

I have to dissolve it in water and sip it throughout the day because it’s not slow release. Too much at once is too much for sensitive patients.

If I struggle with this then I will look at adding some adrenal cortex to get my cortisol levels down. It can be a juggling act but it’s common to balance the adrenals with cortex before moving on to the thyroid. But these glands are so important that this area of treatment must be done correctly.

This is part of the foundation work that has to be done before proper detoxing of the metals can occur. In some cases the toxins will come out naturally when we balance these glands and get the body working properly. The eventual ‘forced’ detox should be much easier.

For my thyroid test I just walked into a lab and got it done. I didn’t need to see my doctor. It was part of a Thyroid Panel test. TSH, FreeT4 and FreeT3.

There’s heaps more great info at the thyroid madness website. It might be worth getting a test done before jumping to any conclusions.



October 2016 Update – Heal The Gut First

Knowing what toxins I have or may have is one thing, but getting them out is something else.

It wasn’t long after I started the Cilantro, BioSil, Alpha Lipoic Acid and Pecta-Sol C and a few other concoctions that I realised I’d fallen into the same trap again. As a mild to severe toxicity case, I simply cannot tolerate these products. Within days of taking even small doses, I felt horrendous and was going mental. As good as they might be, these products are very powerful and I don’t have the core strength to tolerate them.

This is what I’ve repeatedly been doing for the last 10 years; just trying all these mobilisers and binders and not improving. After making some progress with Chelation Therapy, over 40 rounds, I actually ended up slightly worse. I may have removed some metals but I also damaged my self on a cellular level. I lost some symptoms but gained others. (5mg dosage DMPS only)

There’s no doubt products are brilliant when used on relatively healthy individuals – Cilantro, DMPS, DMSA, ALA, Kelatox EDTA, etc etc, BUT, because my gut, thyroid and nutritional levels are so out of balance, I cannot tolerate them and therefore have to adjust my approach.

I have shelved anything that mobilises toxins and will focus on rebuilding in an attempt to improve mineral levels and prepare myself for the eventual detox.

I didn’t think this was possible because I understood the toxins have to come out before I could feel better, but from what I learnt of late, I’ve had the cart before the horse.

So I’m currently following an intense gut rebuilding program. Raw foods, Bone broth, Goat milk Kefir, Soaked Nuts and seeds, Ghee, Coconut Oil, Soups. I may even consider probiotics such as Bravo GC-Maf to help things along.

Here’s a diagram from Dr Axe’s website showing how detrimental leaky gut can be to your health. Credit to Dr Axe.


The question is how the hell do we fix this when we are toxic. It’s difficult but possible, and I’m about to find out. Obviously the food you eat is critical.

I am also starting what may turn out to be a game changer for me. It has for a lot of other mild to severe cases so I’m hoping I have some luck with it. It’s an anti-histamine called Ketotifen.

Whoops! – update – this did not work at all well for me. Why not? I had a Whole Blood Histamine test done and it was relatively low. So if I take an anti-histamine I’ll feel even worse because it’s a neurotransmitter. The fatigue and low mood was brutal. Others seem to have great success with this so I was disappointed. Back to getting my Thyroid and nutrient levels corrected.

The Ketotifen basically helps to heal and seal the gut and therefore allows someone to start properly absorbing food again. Assimilation and methylation should improve which would be a huge help. It will also reduce inflammation and cortisol levels which would be great.

I’m someone who has food sensitivities and therefore can assume I have a leaky gut condition. Basically food goes through the leaking gut and my immune system goes into overdrive and makes me feel awful. Inflammation galore; and it hurts. This mast cell stabilizer / anti-histamine , combined with the correct foods, should help this. European doctors such as Dr Klinghart have been using this prescription medication for 30 years to help treat leaky gut disorders but it’s not very common worldwide.

Credit to Dr Axe again for this pic.


Do you have food sensitivities but struggle with the likes of cilantro and Alpha Lipoic Acid? Perhaps your gut might need some attention also. And your Thyroid perhaps.

I’ll be updating any progress I have. Fingers crossed.

I’ve also found out I’ve got a hypo-thyroid issue which I will discuss in the next post. Test comes back ‘normal’ but normal isn’t normal. Surprise surprise. TSH should be around 1 to 1.5 not 4 or 5.




Recent Test Results & Diagnosis – Sept 2016

All 8 tests are back and and here’s what I need to do.

The stool test shows where the problems lie. Severe toxicity and imbalances – Cadmium, Cesium, Lead, Arsenic, Nickel, Thallium, Tin, Copper, Manganese, Strontium and Barium. All are far too high.

My liver test was one of the worst he had seen and therefore it’s not detoxing properly. The catch 22 is that the toxins are disrupting the enzymes that digest food that my liver needs to work properly. So somehow I have to get these metals out of my body, although my body is compromised.

The plan is to use different agents for different toxins. I was focusing on Mercury but no mercury showed up on tests; that’s not to say there’s not some hidden away somewhere but I need to focus on getting the cadmium, tin and thallium out. I’ll do this by taking a form of EDTA – mainly for Thallium. Also, Biosil and Cilantro will be used according to what I can tolerate. And possibly DMSA at some stage for the lead. A special type of Citrus Pectin will act as an absorber to ensure all these toxins don’t just keep swirling around.

To monitor progress and make adjustments to my program, a Stool re-test will be done after 10 weeks. This test give the most info about me and what channels are being used. For someone else, it might be the DMSA Urine test that gives clues, that’s why I had to do so many tests. It was to see what toxins are there and how they are being excreted. If I continued with something like chelation therapy and used DMPS or DMSA alone (compare urine tests below) then I wouldn’t make any progress because those aren’t my ideal channels for detox. Not only that, those chemicals would be tough on my already compromised liver. It’s a recipe for a lot more unnecessary suffering. It’s crucial to find out this information or else you’re flying blind.

Neurotransmitters – The high toxicity is also not allowing my body to produce the raw materials for neurotransmitters. No amount of pharma drugs will help much without some raw materials to work with.

Mauve test – as I excreted too much Zinc over the years, Cadmium has taken it’s place. That’s how our bodies adapt.

There are other imbalances that I will be working on but the main objective is to lessen the toxicity. As these levels decrease, other imbalances should start to normalise.

I’ll report back when I get some blood test results back from my other mainstream doctor. Iron came back high on the Urine test. Too much iron isn’t good. To keep it down, I steer clear of (enriched) foods such as cereal and breads. The wrong type of iron is added to these foods. Giving blood every few months is another great way to keep iron levels healthy. There are some informative videos online with Morley Robbins and Wendy Myers that are wroth a watch.

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis: View

Kryptopyrroles / Mauve Factor (B6 and Zinc imbalance): View

Amino Acid Profile (building blocks for basic functioning): View

Liver Detox Profile (ability of liver to recover from toxins): View

Neurotransmitter Profile: View

Mineral Analysis, Urine – Baseline: View

Mineral Analysis, Urine – Post DMSA, Biosil, Glycine Challenge test: View

Mineral Analysis – Stool: View

Not everyone has to the same tests, it depends on what your symptoms are and how your initial consultation goes. You can usually guess which ones you need because of how you feel though. The hair, urine and stool tests are standard for suspected toxicity.



Test – Liver Detoxification Profile

I’ve nearly completed this last round of testing. One or two to go…

These tests results were derived from a urine sample after taking some caffeine and paracetamol to see how efficiently my liver processed them. This test was ordered primarily to see how high much chelation (toxin absorbing chemicals) I could tolerate assuming they will be required for treatment. These results obviously look out of quilter so I will update this post when I hear from my Doc when he interprets it over the next week or two.

Liver Detox Profile


Neurotransmitter Test Results and the DMSA Mega-Dose…

After ordering another bunch of tests (according to my consultation and health history notes) here is the Extensive Neurotransmitter Profile results which were no surprise to me. This was a Urine only test and I have been sceptical of these in the past but this does match up with how I feel most of the time.

These tests are always fascinating and it makes me think that there must be solutions to fixing these imbalances. I’m sure there are; but it’s just finding someone who has the right answers. The amount of tests I’ve done over the years and someone says just take this and this – and I get no improvement. Very disappointing.

Hopefully this time is different.


As you can see my results are way less than optimal. GABA is low at 135, should be over 600 and that explains why I can never relax properly. I’m always agitated to some degree. Perhaps a GABA supplement can help with this until we remove the underlying cause.

Heavy metal toxicity can play a role with blocking neurotransmitters so I look forward to getting my DMSA challenge test results back next month. This test involved taking 1500mg DMSA, Glycine for better DMSA absorption/toxin mobiliser and Biosil which is Choline-Stabilized Orthosilicic Acid (ch-OSA).  The Biosil mobilises different types of metals such as Tin and Thallium. A ‘Pre’ and ‘Post’ Urine sample was taken. This test should be way more indicative than the Hair Test in terms of what might be causing me issues. The info from all these tests combined should be enough to improve my healing program.

So 3 test results are still due: Amino Acid Profile, Liver Function Test and The DMSA challenge test.

After completing 45 rounds of Chelation Therapy (Andy Cutler style) and believing these DMSA challenge tests were a big NO NO, I was very reluctant to do this test. My Doc said I must or else we’d be ‘flying blind’, so I started to prepare, both mentally and physically.

During my days with Chelation, I could only ever manage a 5mg dose of DMSA every 3 hours for 3 days. So about 40mgs per day of DMSA. At the end of 3 days I was pretty exhausted. If I ramped up my dosage, even to 10mgs, I would really suffer and have to stop after 2 days. That’s ‘seized in bed’ suffering, not just a light headache. So can you imagine how I felt about swallowing 1500mg in one shot? I thought, ‘bloody hell, no way’. I had also been in contact with a ‘successful’ mercury poisoning healer in the States and she told me that I was crazy doing this. She said it was a ‘lawsuit’ dose and I risked organ damage or even death! That’s the last thing I needed to hear.

These differing views on the internet made a tough situation even tougher. Everyone seems to have an opinion on how to go about things. Who’s right?

I spent a couple more days doing research and then decided go through with it. The benefits outweighed the risks. I checked that my Will was up to date, warned those close to me what I was doing and then prepared for the ‘mega dose’.

Down the hatch they go – half a dozen DMSA, another half dozen Glycine and 40 drops of Biosil. A short prayer was said and I sat down. What happened?…..

NOTHING. I slept well, woke up relatively fine and took the wee sample. I thought ‘You gotta be kidding me!’  The closest I came to injuring myself was falling backwards when getting a whiff of my sulphur smelling urine. (DMSA)

These challenge tests are standard and have been used for years but my doctor and others get better results by adding the Glycine and Biosil. I proved that these big ‘one off’ doses are well tolerated by a compromised person when compared to frequent dosing. I think my underlying detox system is in bad shape and that’s why I couldn’t tolerate bigger frequent doses while chelating. My Kryptopyrroles Test showed a Vitamin B6 and Zinc imbalance so this will be part of it.

Hopefully all will be revealed over the next few weeks and I can recover more quickly on a more personalised program instead of a one size fits all approach, which frequent dose Chelation is really.

If you have any questions, just let me know.

Hair Test from Trace Elements

My first Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis came back as you can see below. These results from Trace Elements contain way more data for your practitioner to interpret. That means they get a better idea of what is wrong with you and how to improve your health.

I’ll wait until I speak to my Doc but I wasn’t surprised to see the 4 main minerals still quite low due to a relatively stressful few months. The first 4 – Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium and Potassium should be higher. The toxic metal, Pb, or Lead, on the top right is higher – perhaps it’s starting to come out. I will add info here if anything important comes out of the the analysis. I hoping some clues come out of this – that’s the reason I did it. Not a definitive guide but one tool of many.

Trace Elements Hair Test

Kryptopyrrole Test / Mauve Factor

Improving my program involved getting some more tests done. You’ll see below that my Mauve Factor (HPL) is too high at nearly 34 when it should be under 10.

This imbalance has a few names such as Pyroluria, Kryptopyroluria, Kryptopyrole or Mauve disorder and most likely more.

Basically this neurotoxic chemical, HPL, is produced if we have been or are currently in a chronic stress situation. My situation was years ago but obviously the imbalance has not corrected. HPL binds ZINC and Vitamin B6 and excretes it therefore not allowing our body to use them.

Zinc and B6 are crucial for neurotransmitter production and may explain why neurological symptoms are so prevalent today. Chronic stress in many forms.

Supplementation with Zinc and/or B6 should improve the situation so hopefully this will improve my situation.


Symptoms can be:

  • constant inner tension and strain
  • anxiety and depression
  • inability to relax
  • poor stress tolerance
  • symptoms exacerbated by stress
  • joint or pain stiffness
  • immune issues
  • digestive issues
  • eczema or psoriasis
  • mood swings
  • poor short term memory
  • avoid social situations – too difficult / stressful

Stopping Chelation – Dr Cutler Protocol

Shortly after a very positive post a month or so back i had a big setback; more like a crash, and I was quite surprised in it’s severity. It made me re-think  my strategy. I needed to do more.

I had switched to DMSA/ALA instead of my usual DMPS/ALA. I did two rounds of the new combo and then crashed. I was taking tiny doses – 6mg DMSA and 3mg ALA. I haven’t been able to increase these levels since I started chelation Cutler style way back in late 2014.

It just seems all too difficult and I feel like I’m missing something. And trying to do it nearly all myself is proving incredibly hard. I’m not being precise enough with what exactly I’m trying to detox and no-one is supervising me, mainly because I just haven’t been able to find someone. Another issue is that my judgement isn’t great, so decisions are usually not great. But we all have to keep trying so we can only do our best.

My ‘best’ was to continue looking around for someone to give me a better idea of exactly what I was trying to do. This blanket approach of just ‘doing chelation’ wasn’t working as well as a precise and individual protocol would.

From someone who contacted me via this website I tracked down a functional medicine doctor in Australia who having success treating chronic illnesses. I could tell by talking to him that he was very knowledgeable about these illnesses. After 90 minutes talking to him via Skype my gut feeling was that he could help or certainly give me an idea of what was causing my symptoms.

He is more of a health detective than anything else so he wanted me to do the following tests, based on the info I’d given him and what we discussed online.

Most of the tests below – a little overwhelming but I feel it will be worth it.

Health Tests


  • Hair Test – with Trace Elements, Texas. Best Hair Mineral Analysis I understand. Not ARL.
  • 24 hour Amino Acid test – see what nutrients and proteins are being absorbed correctly.
  • Liver Detox Profile – Liver function and ability to tolerate DMSA if used as chelating agent.
  • Neurotransmitter Profile – see what’s out of balance in my brain. eg Serotonin, Dopamine etc
  • Kryptopyrroles – possible Zinc and B6 deficiency
  • DMSA challenge test – with glycine and Biosil to maximise results. Send poo and urine to Microtrace Minerals in Germany. Should be fun.

I’m usually loathe to spend anymore money on testing because no one has ever been able to properly interpret them and treat me properly. Hopefully this time will be different. (I’ve said that a few times 🙂 I’m interested to see the results myself and perhaps they can be used if I went back and had a consultation with Dr Cutler or anyone else; if need be.

These tests are going to take a while to do so the doctor has given me an interim protocol to work on. This basic protocol will be revised as more tests come in.

  • To mobilise = R-Lipoic Acid (Cutler wouldn’t agree to this but who knows who is right)
  • To bind = Modified Citrus Pectin
  • To bind & help in general = Orthosilicic Acid (BioSil)
  • Other general supplements like Magnesium for support.

So this makes sense. Mobilise  – Bind – Excrete. Not sure what is being mobilised yet but the tests should give us an idea. Mercury, Lead, Aluminium, Thalium etc

I have to do the tests first and then start the above so I will keep this site updated with test results and progress.

Keep trying







Which Hair Test is Best?

What I mean by the title is which Hair Testing company provides the most accurate and informative results.

For Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) I have used Analytical Research Labs (via Dr L Wilson) in the past. The results have been accurate but there is a better alternative available.

I’m afraid to say that ARL is a little behind the times. They seem to be stuck in the 1980’s and they haven’t adapted or changed over time. (as at July 2016). I hope they lift their game.

Trace Elements (TEI) in Texas provide more information than ARL. They use the same quality testing procedure but a skilled hair test interpreter is missing some vital clues if only relying on ARL tests.

I took a snapshot of part of the Trace Elements test but the full sample is at the end of the post.

Trace Elements

Trace Elements Hair Test


With Trace Elements you get:

  • 15 Nutritional Elements including Sulfur an accurate Boron reading.
  • 8 Toxic Elements including Antimony, Uranium and Berylium. That’s on top of Mercury, Aluminium, Lead, Arsenic and Cadmium. (ARL just has these last 5)
  • 14 Additional Elements including: Germanium, Barium, Bismuth, Rubidium, Nickel, Lithium, Platinum, Thallium, Vanadium, Strontium, Tin, Titanium, Tungsten, Zirconium. (ARL only do 5)
  • 7 Significant Ratios. These are gold for interpreters; more the better. Both companies provide the same with Trace Elements adding Iron/Copper.
  • 9 Toxic Ratios – e.g. Calcium/Lead. Toxic minerals vs Essential Minerals.
  • 11 Additional Ratios – mainly for reference while patient improves.

Here’s what a full sample test looks like: (PDF)

Trace Elements Hair Test

You’ll most likely have to find a practitioner to get access to these testing facilities but that shouldn’t be too difficult. Hunt around on the net or email Trace Elements

A hair test is a great start to unravelling the underlying causes of your symptoms. If the practitioner you are seeing doesn’t cut the mustard then show the test to someone who does and don’t stop till you get some answers.

The hair analysis should give you some clues as to what do next in terms of recovering your health.

Everything else I’m doing is covered in my Book


Chelating Continues…

Progress Update

I continue to prove that underlying toxicity is at the core of what has kept me chronically ill for many years. This is an issue where diets, exercise, meditation, medication, working, keeping busy, thinking positive, sauna therapy, various other treatments  and many many supplements etc DID NOT WORK for me and were never going to.


Some of these typical healing remedies have helped me to manage symptoms but they did little to remove the toxicity from from my brain, nervous system and organs. And that is key; that is one of the main causes or THE cause. I cannot prove what I’m currently doing does achieve this but it is so obvious after 15 years of trying things and then something starts to make a difference. I think the correct term is anecdotal evidence, but lets keep it simple, it just works! Bloody slow, but it works.


Among my supporting therapies I outline in my e-book, at the top of the list, and most vital, is chelation therapy. This is the method I have chosen to pull out toxins such as lead and mercury and who knows what else. Mobilising these toxins is easy and potentially dangerous, but getting them out of our bodies safely is the crucial part.


I use a combination of DMPS, DMSA and ALA (alpha lipoic acid) and continue to adjust doses as I improve and are able to handle larger doses. I might do some DMPS/ALA cycles or ’rounds’ as they are referred to, then switch to DPMS alone or even DMSA alone.


There is a protocol to follow (Andrew Cutler) but one thing I have learnt is everyone is different and those who rush just delay recovery. For instance, I still can only handle a tiny dose of DMPS (5mg) and ALA (3mg). I would like to be taking more but my body cannot tolerate it. It doesn’t matter because whatever dose anyone is on works for them. We have no choice.


Some take large doses (up to 100mg) ALA alone and this works for them because they’ve experimented. That’s the only way to do it. No professional knows what dose will suit you so you have start LOW AND SLOW because this stuff is powerful. Go by feel more than anything else.


I just completed round 42. I’ve being doing rounds (ideally 3 days on and 4 days off) for 18 months but initially I waited weeks between rounds because I was so sick and weak. Now they are easy.


I’ll just keep going until I’m back where I want to be health wise. If it’s 100 rounds, fine, 200, whatever. I have no other choice and they get easier as I get better so it’s actually very straight forward. It’s a relatively easy protocol.


Because it’s over such a long time frame, it’s hard to gauge improvements but i’ll list some here:


  • less joint and muscle pain
  • can tolerate more carbohydrates. I couldn’t touch carbs like bread for 7 years.
  • Sleep better, even feel refreshed some mornings instead of foggy fatigue
  • can complete tasks that require mental power – computer work, conversations etc
  • enjoy conversations with people, can now keep up and understand them
  • laugh at things I find funny instead of no reaction, and crack a few jokes
  • breathing is more consistent instead of gasping
  • way less internal and mental stress
  • way less irritated by those around me and less frustrated with everything
  • more patient and sympathetic
  • can tolerate more exercise although not able to jog consistently yet
  • not so worried about the future
  • balance and blood pressure improved – can get of bed quickly
  • make way better and quicker decisions
  • can say NO much easier, don’t care so much
  • heart beat more consistent and smooth – nervous system stronger
  • emotionally resilient
  • can have a heated (honest) conversation with someone without collapsing
  • sleep actually works now, I can recover more quickly
  • my core temperature has increased – nice and warm now and way more tolerant to cold
  • skin not so sensitive any more
  • horrendous fatigue has gone but more improvement needed – adrenals are happier
  • can read people better and understand what they mean
  • tolerate alcohol better – no more sweats and nausea after a sip of wine
  • better appetite – get quite piggy sometimes 😉
  • better sense of well being and general optimism


That’s all good but I have a long way to go. There are still a few symptoms I want to knock off:


  • Sensitive to light
  • socially sometimes I still come to halt and freeze when not feeling so well
  • foggy brain and feels like inflammation in middle ear
  • not as relaxed and calm as I would like to be
  • have to careful with over doing it physically and mentally


Some of these are caused by my habits and decision making. It’s best if I don’t spend any time watching TV or on the computer (like I am now). It feels like I need a complete mental break from these stimuli.


Because I’m used to being so ill, my natural reaction to someone asking me to do something triggers a small stress reaction. My body/mind is taking a long time to realise that I actually can now do these things but history has taught my body that if I do that then I will suffer. Recalibration is taking a long time.


This is improving and I find myself saying ‘no’ now because I genuinely do not want to do that activity or meet up. Some conversations are still a bit weird and I misunderstand things but I don’t beat myself up about it. And I’m sure there are lots of weird and uncomfortable moments when people are well. I just accept I get things wrong a bit, that’s the way it is for the time being. I go with the flow and enjoy hat I can because there’s no other choice.


I feel like I could be doing more to speed up recovery so I will be working on that from now while still chelating. I’ll keep chelating to a point where I can take a mega dose and nothing happens. If I still have symptoms then, I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it.


One issue for me taking ALA is that although it has improved my symptoms, I have also gained one or two. I understand that this because ALA crosses the blood brain barrier so the toxins can ‘slosh’ in and out through a metaphoric ‘doorway’. With the right dosing, most toxins get out but some stay or even get in before the door shuts.


This has caused me to have a couple of minor issues which should resolve. One is that my eye-brain communication gets confused sometimes. If I see a branch move outside, my brain tells me it looks like a cat or some animal moving. When I focus on it, I see that’s it’s a branch. This doesn’t bother me. The other is that my jaw seems stiff to open sometimes. No big deal but it’s noticeable.


It will be interesting to see when these symptoms disappear. I wouldn’t be too concerned if they never did, as long as I got my core health back. Would they cause me to stop chelation? , no – because the benefits are too great. I just being honest about treatment, it can be hard work, a real roller-coaster of emotions and you have to be patient.


Chelation hasn’t been the only fix for me; I’ve improved other aspects of my life of which I discuss in my e-book.


For anyone thinking that toxicity might be an issue then doing a therapeutic trial is simple and no tests are really necessary. Safe and inexpensive