Category Archives: Dr Klinghardt

Good Progress – May 2023

Finally some real progress has been made. For years I’ve being trying to remove the mercury directly with either synthetic chelators like DMSA, high dose Vitamins and strict diets but the key, at least for me, and i suspect any long term chronic/severe cases, is that the gut and core systems have to be repaired and functioning to some degree before any real progress can be made.

I would have done over 100 rounds of chelation over many years with very little progress. This has been soul crushing. Chelation is very difficult when unwell, particulary when it doesn’t help. High dose vitamins did calm me down and sdtart naturakly detoxing but i was on the for years; it just seemed too complex and hit and miss. And expensive

I have been working with Connie Fox who was healed by Dr klinghardt. They are adamant that any moderate to severe patient must strengthen and heal the gut and microbiome/immune system to lay the foundation for getting the remaining metals out.

But even Connie’s protocol can be very difficult and overwheming. If you were to folow her program there are a ton of supplements. The medication she uses for gut repair made me worse, it’s an anti histamine and I’m low histamine anyway so i think it just lowered it even more causing quite severe mental issues. It was brutal.

So i began to try her alternative gut protocol which is intensive and there are many supplements. I wasn’t a good student. I don’t know why but i didn’t have total faith in it, i felt there had to be more to it. And this is common, we get so fixated on the end result, getting the mercury or lead out, how can working on the gut help so much.

Well, over the years my gut microbiome took an absolute beating from stress, alcohol, detox attempts, chronic infections appearing, and only God knows what else. So to then expect something like DMSA, which is a toxic chemical in it’s own right, to simply grab the mercury and take it out without an y side effects, is a big ask.

I’m at the point now where i agree with Connie, that no chemical (DMSA/DMPS/OSR) chelators are nescessary to heal from even severe metals toxoicites. They are helfful and work in some cases, no doubt. Time will tell for me, but i will be doing my best not to use them. Has chelation worked for some people, yes, for sure. The Andy Cutler group are a pretty staunch lot, their heart is in the right place, they want people to heal, but I feel they should be somewhat open to alternative therapies. They claim that if someone gets well from using any other method, they got lucky; that’s flat out wrong.

So back to my situation. I was looking for a more natural form of healing and detox after poor results from chelation. It was quite simply too hard and unrewarding, i wasn’t getting anywhere.  I’d read alot of books by the likes of Dr Morse and old books by Arnold Ehret who were adamant fruit and getting to an alkaline state was key. It made sense, but moderate to severe metals toxcity cases are a bit different. It’s a very delicate situation where one wrong move and one can end up in alot of pain. I was at a point where if I ate an apple, I’d be in bad shape for the next day. I put it down to the fruit sugars feeding the bad bugs that go hand in hand with the metals.

Connie also doesn’t recommend fruit early on. In Arnold Ehret’s book, mucusless Diet Healing System, he said after healing thousands of people (not just mercury) at his santarium in Swizerland last century, that mercury cases were different and required a very long non fruit alkaline raw food diet first. Unfortunately he didn’t elaborate on what excatly to do but i assume he slowly introduced fruit as tolerated. This is what i wanted to try. I understood that yes, the fruit sugar fed bad/unhelpful bugs to some degree, but they also started to dissolve and cleanse any unwanted entities like infections, mucus, toxins, medications etc. So if i was having side effects from eating apples, i wonder what percentage of symptoms was from feeding the bugs versus disolving toxicities. The problem is that a compromised body cannot properly excrete any toxins that are stirred up efficiently as it should be able to. We get stuck.

What i can now say after over 6 months of slowly introducing fruit is that i have solved a huge part of the puzzle. Once i understood that the fruit was stirring up what i needed to bel removed, then it was a case of making sure whatever was stirred up up, didn’t get reabsorbed back into me while it was on it’s way out. My kidney’s weren’t filtering well, my morning wee was clear, so i had to rely on the gut for excretion. Saunas took too much out of me, too severe eraly on. I made sure i was regular, keeping thungs on the move with herbs. As an example I used Natures Sunshine Lower Bowel Support just to keep things moving. Some use Senna tea or really anything else that just does the job. If the fruit is stiring things up, being regular is the key, it has to get out quickly. Sometimes herbs and a very clean diet wasn’t enough. Enemas were absolutely crucial. It’s can get tiresome but sometimes you literally need to just dump whatever is in there, and the enema does it without fail. Coffee, lemon juice, plain water, whatever works, do your homework and customise it to your needs.

I introduced Cistus tea enemas also which break down biofilms. The first few of these were quite mentally disturbing. I was quite alarmed at the fallout for a day or two after, very severe reaction. I assume it broke down the biofilms and whatever toxin was inside started circulating. Stick to plan, the right foods, stimulating herbs, more enemas – just get rid of it. I had faith that whatever i was doing was slowly removing the cause of my issues. The tide would turn eventually, and it did, after many months. I now can do a cistus tea enema with very little to no side effects.

So I would repeat this cycle where i would get on the fruit, stop when symtoms got rough or untolerable, then worked on getting rid of what i stirred up with this ‘removal technique’. Because so many bodily symtoms weren’t working well, it can take a long time to make progress. Natures’ gears grind slow but sure. I needed help with herbs and enemas because my body couldn’t manage the detox naturally. I was stuck, my wheels were spinning, i was locked in a whirlpool of suffering. But it lifted. I’ve got more work to do but i feel like i’m on the right path.

Different fruits would produce different cleansing reactions, due to their astringency. For example, blueberries were for the most part okay, blackberries were brutal. I steered clear of any refined sugar or bread, pasta, wheat etc. Bascially experimented with salads, some raw and cooked meat, generally whole foods that i felt like. No booze, sugar, choclate, dairy etc, the usual suspects. For vegans, i think it might be possible to do itwithout meats. Connie and Dr Klinghardt believe meats are crucial for recovery but i think raw foodists and vegans etc could do it with a wide range of foods to ensure all necessary foods were covered. I also occasionally used gut supps/foods like Slippery Elm and Marshmellow root. I don’t think this was make or break using these, it wasn’t like i used them as much as Connie’s protocol wanted me too, no where near. So i broke ranks on the protocol really; i found a way to make fruit work.

I did dabble with common supplements recommended for metal detox – zinc, vit c, magnesium. Andy Cutler’s rcommended supplements are probably fine here. And some copper if tolerated. This isn’t recommended for metals detox but i thought it was worth a try for soem reason. I can’t say how much this helped me, i really don’t know. Not high dose vitamins. I would say relaxation strategies and a very nutritious diet is way more improtant.

Recently I’ve turned my attention to the bugs section of the protocol. So i‘m loosely following her protocol but doing it my way, what seems right to me. It’s working so far.

Over the last decade, whenever i tried to kill the bad bugs with something like wormwood or black walnut hull, my goodness, I’d get absolutely smashed by them, even small amounts. A parasite cleanse, forget about it. I couldn’t work my way around them, I’d hit a wall every time. It was so demoralising, i even went months on an alkline diet of just salads, green juice; and while that made me feel better, when i returned to the meat and veggies diet, symptoms would return. It seemed no underlying hard core cleansing had occurred. And those diets are hard in cold climates, it can be stressful on those strict regimes.

Fast forward to now and I’m quite happily taking 2 teaspoons!! of these bug killers. This was a great surprise. I feel it, but it’s tolerable, not a knock out scary reaction. There is no doubt the fruit and gut repair / cleansing regime has cleared and fixed enough to be able to handle this stuff. This is incredible because to me it’s just a matter of carefully going through he levels of healing – get bad bugs under control, work on normalising minerals and vitamin levels, and only then consider how to remove any remaining metals. The metals part should be easy as Connie says. One should be feeling much improved, to the point where a lot of the toxins will come out naturally with out any chelators.

So that’s where I’m at, i hope I’ve explained what is working for me in this very important gut and bugs stage of recovery.

Now that I’m making some progress i will update regulary. I can’t recall what I’ve written in my book download, but whatever is there probably won’t help anyone too much. I will update it at some stage.

All the best to anyone else on this journey; keep going

March 2021 Update – Making Headway

Note that this is written for moderate to severe toxicity cases. Mild cases can skip a lot of stages but still need to be careful because you can easily stir metals up and turn a mild case into a moderate or severe case.

I haven’t posted in so long because I was making zero progress. It didn’t matter what diet or supplements or meds I took, I was just stuck. I’m certain it was because I had taken on more responsibilities than I could manage. I had been warned to limit or avoid any psychological stress, this is crucial for moderate to severe toxicity cases. In an effort to ‘get back into life’ or ‘stay busy’ I was in fact just becoming more and more overwhelmed. Toxicity can lock us into a flight or fight response – we hardly ever, or never go into ‘rest and digest’ mode. We really do have to master how to take extremely good care of ourselves.

So I ditched a couple of projects I was always thinking about, and started saying no to a few outings that really didn’t help me. And less social media which is huge downer for me. And only then did I start to make a little more progress. So lifestyle issues are a huge factor – projects, work, relationships, hobbies, excercise regimes etc that only worsen symptoms. What can help a healthy person can hinder a toxic person.

So what am doing right now?

I am still loosely adhering to Dr Klinghart/Connie Fox/Rhoda Kingston detox protocol involving:

GUT / THYROID / PATHOGENS / METALS, or the full list from Connie’s website:

Now, Connie’s usual gut protocol did not work for me. Ketotifen is an anti-histamine and I’m low histamine so I assume this only made my histamine levels lower. Histamine is a neurotransmitter – I felt so terrible and had to stop. Connie does have a natural backup but I must admit the amount of supplements involved and trying to get them to New Zealand was difficult and frustrating. In the end it was strict diet, sunlight, no blue light/devices, coffee enemas, relaxation techniques to give my gut a chance to heal to a degree. Spending time with friends and family where i could forget my issues and just have a good time (as much as possible) was the best medicine but this was fleeting. I wanted everyone to stay on holiday for 6 months but this isn’t reality.

What I have been working on is getting back to full dose of the compounded supplements/vitamins. This goes way back to my trip to the States where I saw Dr Mensah. They do various tests and work out what nutrients you need for optimal brain function. I was skeptical; I’m not a fan of vitamins. But at full dose, these worked. The nutrients can correct Kryptopyroles, Copper toxicity, methylation and other neurological issues. These vitamins are powerful!. The first time I ramped up taking them 2 years ago, it took me 4 months to tolerate the full dose. If you have some excess copper, the zinc will start pushing/detoxing this out and you will feel neurotic and depressed. It can be brutal so must be taken slowly.

This time around (why did I stop last time? because i couldn’t find a local supplier and Mensa Medical wouldn’t prescribe me; nightmare situation) I had 2 weeks of nasty side effects as my biochemistry corrected. Every time I increased dose, i had side effects until I was near full dose. There are many of these practitioners around the world and most do remote work. But shop around, some are useless, others like Mensah are brilliant. More docs here:

Thyroid update – without testing, I started on thyroid hormone and it didn’t go as well as it did last time i tried. My goodness, it felt like someone injected some adrenaline, i was totally wired on a tiny dose, manic. Connie later explained to me that although my TSH was relatively low, it wasn’t low enough to warrant treatment with whole thyroid extract. My Free T4 was in the mid range (good) and my Free T3 was also good. TSH was 3.8 mIU/L, a bit high but this would come down naturally with the mercury detox protocol. I needed a pro to explain this; the extract i was taking was overdosing me. I will monitor this every 3 to 4 months; luckily i can just walk in off the street anytime to get this test done. Less visits to Doc the better.

So I’m building the foundation for a successful outcome. Diet and low stress lifestyle makes a huge difference. I aim for an alkaline diet which includes animal proteins. Not easy. Finding an alkaline mineral water, 7 or 8ph can help a lot. Sugar – booze  – carbs are still troublesome. But also over excercise exhausting the adrenals is equally important. My day is based on adrenal management – keeping occupied but not pushing it. If I’m doing something quite physical and actually feel good, i stop, it’s adrenaline I’m running on and will pay for it over the next few days. I’ve been taught that lesson hundreds of times.

Now that I’m on the vitamins, I feel like my body is slowly improving and the ‘flight or fight’ response is reduced. Life is better, but it’s a false sense of health, I’m still toxic. Next is tackling the unhelpful pathogens and parasites. Testing usually isn’t necessary, but the Autonomic Response Testing I did with Rhoda Kingston was impressive. She was able to pin point what “bad bugs” or chronic infections I had. So they can targeted more easily. My test came back with fungi/candida issues, retroviruses, lungworm, liver fluke, Ehrlicha. The targeted treatment for those include calendula, amebex, mimosa pudica, myrrh and more. So it’s going to be interesting to see how this stage goes. It cannot be rushed as these bugs have become a part of us so you can;t just go in and ‘kill them’ because it might feel like you’re killing yourself. I’ve been there, it’s nasty. I’m not going to waste all the work I’ve done with getting to this point. If a big mistake is made, it can set you back months or years, and is spiritually crushing. So be careful.

You don’t have to do this testing. Diet and broad spectrum bug killers will get rid of most of the critters, then you can remove the metals and then the bugs should go or be easier to treat.

After these bugs are under control, then it’s finally time to get the last of the metals out. I’m very wary of DMSA and even more so of ALA. It works for sure but only if we are strong enough. Hopefully i won’t need these chelators but if I do use them i will be extremely careful, even if it takes years to come out.

When people that are suffering hear it might take years, it can be very daunting. But that’s only because you’re hurting now. By the the time you get to the chelation stage, you won’t be suffering or hurting. But if you make a mistake, you can be back in pain very quickly.

Treating yourself is a balancing act – there’s diet, supplements, lifestyle, relationships, financial issues, the spiritual wear and tear over time. But there’s no option but to keep going and doing everything you can to get well. Not only that, there’s a holy war of sorts going on in the world at the moment, as if we didn’t need any more obstacles. Forge on with grace.

The next update I’ll be hopefully well into the bug stage so will report on that. All the best with your own healing journey.

Feb2020 Update – Dr Klinghardt ART Test results

Hi all, So the long path back to full health continues for me. There has been some progress but more work has to be done. According to this latest test from a Klinghardt trained practitioner, I seemed to have done a good job of lowering my toxic metals burden but there is still congestion and chronic infections. I assumed once the metals were gone then everything else would normalize but not so. I suspect metals are still an issue which raises some concerns about this ART testing. More confusion…!!

The test is Autonomic Response Testing, which means i have to send some hair (with follicle attached) to the practitioner. This can be done remotely. I’m in NZ and she’s in Ireland so that saved me a long trip.

If the heavy metals have mostly gone (which i suspect they haven’t) then I will assume it was because of a few things. Saunas, OSR, DMSA/DMPS and possibly the customised vitamin therapy. But i may have done this back to front. Perhaps it’s a better idea to work at the gut, infections and viral load before the metals as this may be the easier path. I’ll forge on and get it done one way or another. I’ll follow Rhoda’s program; this will be a great test whether Klinghardt’s ART system does work. (July 2020 update, not following the program, see latest blog post)

I have attached my results below. Depending on how accurate these results are, this would have to be the best diagnostic tool I’ve seen (hmmm, not so sure) And re-testing every couple of months is a great way to monitor progress. We’ll see.


When we spoke on the phone she also stressed the importance of solving any lifestyle issues that are a constant stress. Relationships, high EMF areas, work, loneliness etc. One of the worst habits for me is lying on the couch for too long staring at a phone or tablet. So the lesson is find what is bad for you and work at changing it. Harder said than done sometimes but your health is the number one priority.

All the best with your own health journey and I hope you learnt something from my blog
