Category Archives: Chelation Therapy

Anti-Microbial / Parasite / Viral / Fungal Program

I’m pleased to say I now have enough resilience and core strength to tolerate the anti microbial supplements. Many months ago I could not tolerate any bug killing food or supplement. Even Coconut oil would send me into a spiral of physical and mental suffering. I couldn’t even tolerate a 1 drop per day of Liver Life. I was at a roadblock, i just could not progress. No wonder products like cilantro, DMPS/DMSA, Alpha Lipoic Acid were total disasters for me a while back; it’s because my body was in no shape to handle them. They are great products in their own right but timing is everything. You cannot rush severe and chronic toxicity issues.

What was vital for getting me to this level was balancing my thyroid (even though the doctors said it was normal – they were wrong) , taking customized supplements including B6 and Zinc to fix the Pyroluria/Pyrolles issue and getting diet right. Without this, I was going nowhere just existing and hoping I would find some solution. Part of me had given up; it was a miserable existence. I’d seen over 80 health practitioners over a 22 year period. I was starting to suspect my own sanity, and it didn’t help that the ‘best’ doctors in the country were saying it was psychosomatic. I can now confirm that this was total bullshit and no anti-psychotic drug or psychotherapy would have ever had a long lasting positive effect.

So to be at the stage where I am improving and can tolerate supplements and reduce my microbial load is great. Food and sleep actually work now, in terms of natural recovery from daily activities. But the job isn’t done yet, the bug/parasite/worm killing side effects aren’t fun if I don’t manage the program well but this is all part of learning and healing.

This is the last stage before actually directly pulling out any heavy metals like lead and mercury. Much of this toxic load would have already come out by that stage (when bugs are killed they can release toxins) and one should be feeling relatively strong or much stronger than previously to be able to tolerate the final detox products like synthetic chelators and alpha lipoic acid and cilantro etc. These are examples; I’m not sure what I will be using yet.

Below is a pic of most of the anti-microbial program products.

So I’m established on whole thyroid extract, nutraceuticals/supplements and a damn good diet for me. Everyone is different but it’s based on a meat, eggs, greens regime with very little carbs, sugar – you know the drill. High quality food. If you’ve found an ideal diet that is not what generally works for others then that’s great. I’ll admit I haven’t been so strict and had the occasional bread, chocolate, diary blowout and the odd beer. I tolerated those foods way better but it’s defeating the purpose – those foods feed what we are trying to kill.

Brief Overview

Dr Shultz: Intestinal formula # 1. This has been the most effective anti-constipation product I’ve used. The time between getting the message and sitting down is alarmingly quick! When detoxing, you want things to be passing through you relatively quickly for a number of reasons. Even with clay/charcoal binders; you don’t want these agents getting stuck and eventually soaking back into your bloodstream. They absorb a lot but they aren’t perfect. If you don’t use a product like this then you are going to have to rely on enemas which are cheaper but more work. Or any other method you have discovered to get things moving.

Niacin: dilates small blood vessels so the bug killing formulas can really get in there

Grapefruit Juice/Extract: Our livers make enzymes that lessen the effect of the bug killers; this inhibits the enzymes. It is also an antimicrobial in itself.

Milk Thistle: general liver support. The liver will be under strain so any support for it is recommended. Although it is not directly a bug killer it can mobilize a backlog of toxins so just be aware of this. I started on this first and used the coffee and charcoal/clay when feeling rough. Once established on this I introduced the active bug killers.

Fungus Fighter: anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial. Kidney support.

Harker Vermez: a deworming/parasite intestinal cleanser. This is a New Zealand product but there are similar potions around containing wormwood, green walnut leaf and clove oil and more. Davinci Labs Para Shield is another option.

Liver Life: opens up liver detox pathways and supports kidney function. This product is not actually part of the official program I’ve been given. I find it very powerful and increasing the daily dose has been slow going. I should be fine with the Milk Thistle so I suspect the herbs in there are helping to flush out toxins. I’ll bear with it and reassess things in a month.

Coffee Enemas: as a veteran who has done over 200 of these over the years I can safely say these have been one of the most effective detox / plan management treatments out there. They also cost around $0.50 each and you don’t have to leave home. I’m doing one every few days at the moment and more if I’m not tolerating a higher bug killer dose. Clay and Charcoal can help a lot but there’s nothing like a full flush out to ease the detox side effect pain. The coffee has acids in it that dilate tubes around the gallbladder and liver, sometimes you can hear the dirty old bile getting squeezed out into your gut. Your gut then senses this toxicity and immediately expels it. Doctors have told me i’m wrong on this but they’ve never done one!!?? My first few coffee enemas expelled hundreds of pea sized balls most likely from my gallbladder or liver ducts, this literally saved me from a world of pain.

I haven’t met many others who have had the success I’ve had with this treatment but i think it’s really worth a go.

Dr Shultz: Formula # 2 Clay / Charcoal: an effective binder of whatever is expelled from your gallbladder and soaked in from the gut wall. I am still experimenting as to when is the best time to take this. I use it half an hour after taking the bug killers and after a coffee enema if I’m feeling light headed. I’ve also tried before bed and upon waking. Hopefully it becomes clear what works and I can share this. If I’m really struggling then I take it throughout the day on an as needed basis. Coffee enema may also be required. But if it gets to this stage then I decrease my dosage as it can be too tough on the body. One has to be patient in this game. On the occasional day off I bounce back strongly so this is positive.

Improvements on days off have been better mood, clearer head, better sleep, food tastes better, less anxiety/irritability, smoother skin. Just all round improvements in general.

The amount of supplements can be overwhelming but until someone comes with a better solution then this is the way it is. It takes discipline, dedication and planning. It can be a lonely experience but if you’ve made it this far then you can keep going.

Other supplements commonly used are garlic, probiotics, para shield, lymecore formula. I’m sure there are many others that also have worked well for people. Let me know in the comments if you have had success. Infrared saunas and light exercise/stretching/swimming also can help. It’s constant experimentation. As long as you understand what you are trying to do and what support your body needs. Toxins into bloodstream – liver – gallbladder/kidney/skin then out. These channels must be supported and functioning reasonably well before undertaking this stage.

A full description on dosages and products will be in my detailed program published later this year (assuming my progress continues as this rate)

All the best with your own recovery.

June 2017 – Methylation, Copper and Pyroluria

This is just an brief post on some very important topics

I’ve made progress, I suspect due to partly correcting the B6 and Zinc imbalance. (Pyroluria) I under-estimated how much of a difference this can make and suggest that anyone else who has any associated psychological symptoms to please investigate and rule out that this might be affecting you. Diet alone usually won’t fix this.

After feeling improved after months of supplementation, I didn’t reorder and weeks later could not work out why I was feeling worse. The confusion that the imbalance created caused me to not even realise what was happening.

And I’ve since learned that although you can treat yourself to some degree, this isn’t recommended, particularly for long term chronic cases. Correct testing is required to know what is biochemically going on with you. The question is: Who am I biochemically? If you don’t that, then you’re experimenting. Methylation disorder’s aren’t related to Pyroluria but both can cause nasty symptoms.

  • Are you an under-methylator, or an over-methylator? You also might have normal methylation but have Pyroluria and/or Copper issues which will need correcting.
  • Is too much copper playing a role?
  • Do you have or have you developed Pyroluria (Zinc and B6 excretion causing psychological issues)
  • Is toxicity an issue? (lead, mercury, cadmium etc)

This is too complicated to properly self-treat. If nothing else could be done in terms of seeing a professional, at least initially for Pyroluria, then a therapeutic trial might be an idea. Something like 50mg P-5-P B6 and Zinc Pincolate would be a start. Certainly better than suffering. Assuming stress is limited, some improvement should be felt within a couple of weeks or slightly longer.

Methylation needs some serious research before trying anything. Under-methylators might do well on high methyl foods like meat and eggs while under-methylators may do well with less of those foods and more folate rich foods. If an under-methylator decides to go a vegan or vegetarian diet then that’s exactly what they don’t need – more folate and less methyl.

Over-methylators usually have low histamine so taking an anti-histamine is not a good idea. I learnt this when I took Ketotifen for leaky gut. This was part of a mercury detox protocol. A lot of this heavy metal detoxing makes people worse because it can be difficult to find the right help.

With the issues I listed above, the damage and suffering is from the oxidative damage caused by the underlying problems. Therefore, anti-oxidants such as Vitamin C and E will help to alleviate symptoms.

I underestimated how anxious, depressed and generally miserable one can feel when Zinc and B6 are too low or unbalanced. Any form of stress whether it be mental, physical or emotional increases Pyrolles in the blood therefore causing even more Zinc and B6 to be excreted. That’s why it’s important to minimise any form of stress. Even when you feel like you can do more, please don’t, at least not yet. It’s just not worth it.

High zinc on hair tests can also point to Pyroluria. I always thought my high Zinc was a good thing but I was wrong as Zinc was being excreted.

With excercise, there may be an initial high but you will most likely pay for it later when the imbalances catch up with you. Remember, the physical stress on the body will cause excretion of vital nutrients until you are rebalanced. And cause oxidative stress. That applies to work, relationships and any mental strain (noise, light, concentration etc). The secret is to calmly float throughout the day without actually straining yourself.

Someone that does know how to treat these imbalances is Dr Mensah at Mensah Medical. William Walsh was a pioneer and has a great book. I have not met someone like Dr Mensah yet but will endeavor to so I can fine tune my program.

After researching some of the work he does, many questions I’ve had over the years have been answered.

Methylation: I underestimated how of a role much methylation plays. Being an under-methylator or over-meythlator can have huge ramifications.

Methylation is an epigenetic pathway used by cells to control gene expression. This is an important. Methylation is the process by which methyl molecules are added to enzymes, hormones, and neurotransmitters as well as to DNA itself.

Under methylator – low serotonin and dopamine. High folate. Anti-depressants such as SSRI’s may suit these people. That’s not to stay they are recommended as a first line of treatment now that we know certain nutrients at correct dosages are very powerful. Among other targeted nutrients, methionine, calcium and magnesium can treat under-methylation issues.

Over-methylator – high serotonin and dopamine, low folate. SSRI’s commonly have severe side-effects as they cause too much serotonin. Conversely, folate and niacin can be helpful because it’s decreases methyl, calming you down. High folate foods such as spinach can be beneficial here. I’m wondering if folate as a supplement may also help here. But i won’t be doing this by myself, it’s too serious and in-depth to solve ourselves.

Over reaction to anti-histamines and SAM-e is also typical signs for over-methylation.

Because over-methylators are always fired up, it can take a lot to excite them. If a house fire starts, they will calmly pick up some personal items and walk out. It’s because they are already ‘up there’, in that flight-or-flight mode.

Their view on Chelation is that it’s also risky for people with imbalances because it will take out even more good metals like Zinc and Calcium. This can months to improve and rebuild nutrient reserves. I’m beginning to wonder how many heavy metal toxicity cases are actually nutrient imbalances because it’s more common to look at toxicity than imbalances. And it’s difficult to treat imbalances if you don’t know what you’re doing. A great balanced diet will not suffice; only targeted therapeutic dosages of nutrients will.

Pyrolles, (pyroluria, kryptopyrolles, Mauve Factor) – Zinc and B6 play a vital role in the creation of serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine. Pyrolles in blood attach to Zinc and B6 and then get excreted. This is not ideal to say the least but treatment is straight forward as long as severe stress has ended or is decreased. The treatment itself will begin to lessen the internal strain – the self-fulfilling stress cycle.

Copper imbalance – copper is required for production of neurotransmitters but too much can cause the fight-or-flight mechanism to stay on most or all of the time which can cause people to feel like their life is constantly in danger and nothing can seemingly help them calm down. This constant neural stimulation wears down the mind, body and soul and also furthers nutrient imbalance.

It would make sense that high copper foods should be limited, such as avocado, liver, chocolate and nuts. And copper supplements are not required as we get enough from a good balanced diet.

I will continue to learn more about his critical area of health and post any relevant information. And correct or add to the info in this post.

Further reading: Nutrient Power by William Walsh

Mensah Medical – based in Chicago with outreach clinics.

Updates coming..

Feb 2017 Update

The good news is that I’m still making good gains. The work on improving my gut is mostly done and the main ingredient was a type of anti-histamine alongside other herbal products. I would never imagine an anti-histamine helping but what this does in short, is reset the gut. This achieved what nothing else could. Not even weeks on raw diet and many other types of treatment over the years (like 10 years!). I was that weak and ill that I needed something powerful. Gut healing can also be done with an intense program involving probiotics, diet and other supplements but I was at a point where I really didn’t care what I took; as long as it worked.

There’s more to this story than just taking it and feeling better but I will leave that for another post or my eventual book.

Once the gut is working better then this turns everything around. Food and sleep start doing what they are supposed to be do and healing can finally begin.

Phase two is getting on top of chronic infections and taking  a load off of your immune system. These infections can also house heavy metals (heavy metals and unfriendly microbes go hand in hand) and other toxins so when they are killed these toxins can re-circulate in our bloodstream and make us feel shitty. Biofilms can be involved here. The strengthened gut, plus a clay and charcoal mix, improved liver function is there to process and ‘mop up’ these toxins. So without even taking chelating agents, these toxins will leave the body. If they don’t get excreted they will redistribute and cause even more trouble. I wish I could prove this by doing testing every few weeks but it’s just not feasible. I’m happy with just feeling better as time goes on; that’s what we all want.

So I’ve introduced some anti-microbial herbs like clove, wormwood, oregano, coconut oil, and others to start to decrease my immune load. I’ve started slowly as you do, and side effects are noticeable but aren’t too bad. This is something that cannot be rushed and will take a few months to get on top of them. I should be feeling improved after these bad bugs are deceased / dormant and then true chelation can start with the likes of EDTA, Cilantro, Lipoic Acid etc.

These should be tolerated by that stage. Cilantro and ALA hurt me badly back in the day so I will be very careful with these. Remember toxins are very easy to mobilize but more difficult to excrete.

Diet has been very important for me. I eat nothing that feeds these little critters – that means sugar, bread, pasta, sugary drinks. There is no point feeding them up and trying to kill them at the same time. So it’s back to the ketogenic / paleo foods which i happen to enjoy anyway. I have the odd ‘cheat meal’ or ‘cheat day’ but get back on the keto/paleo wagon without out too much trouble.

I hope this post has been informative and I will post again when I have more info


Recent Test Results & Diagnosis – Sept 2016

All 8 tests are back and and here’s what I need to do.

The stool test shows where the problems lie. Severe toxicity and imbalances – Cadmium, Cesium, Lead, Arsenic, Nickel, Thallium, Tin, Copper, Manganese, Strontium and Barium. All are far too high.

My liver test was one of the worst he had seen and therefore it’s not detoxing properly. The catch 22 is that the toxins are disrupting the enzymes that digest food that my liver needs to work properly. So somehow I have to get these metals out of my body, although my body is compromised.

The plan is to use different agents for different toxins. I was focusing on Mercury but no mercury showed up on tests; that’s not to say there’s not some hidden away somewhere but I need to focus on getting the cadmium, tin and thallium out. I’ll do this by taking a form of EDTA – mainly for Thallium. Also, Biosil and Cilantro will be used according to what I can tolerate. And possibly DMSA at some stage for the lead. A special type of Citrus Pectin will act as an absorber to ensure all these toxins don’t just keep swirling around.

To monitor progress and make adjustments to my program, a Stool re-test will be done after 10 weeks. This test give the most info about me and what channels are being used. For someone else, it might be the DMSA Urine test that gives clues, that’s why I had to do so many tests. It was to see what toxins are there and how they are being excreted. If I continued with something like chelation therapy and used DMPS or DMSA alone (compare urine tests below) then I wouldn’t make any progress because those aren’t my ideal channels for detox. Not only that, those chemicals would be tough on my already compromised liver. It’s a recipe for a lot more unnecessary suffering. It’s crucial to find out this information or else you’re flying blind.

Neurotransmitters – The high toxicity is also not allowing my body to produce the raw materials for neurotransmitters. No amount of pharma drugs will help much without some raw materials to work with.

Mauve test – as I excreted too much Zinc over the years, Cadmium has taken it’s place. That’s how our bodies adapt.

There are other imbalances that I will be working on but the main objective is to lessen the toxicity. As these levels decrease, other imbalances should start to normalise.

I’ll report back when I get some blood test results back from my other mainstream doctor. Iron came back high on the Urine test. Too much iron isn’t good. To keep it down, I steer clear of (enriched) foods such as cereal and breads. The wrong type of iron is added to these foods. Giving blood every few months is another great way to keep iron levels healthy. There are some informative videos online with Morley Robbins and Wendy Myers that are wroth a watch.

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis: View

Kryptopyrroles / Mauve Factor (B6 and Zinc imbalance): View

Amino Acid Profile (building blocks for basic functioning): View

Liver Detox Profile (ability of liver to recover from toxins): View

Neurotransmitter Profile: View

Mineral Analysis, Urine – Baseline: View

Mineral Analysis, Urine – Post DMSA, Biosil, Glycine Challenge test: View

Mineral Analysis – Stool: View

Not everyone has to the same tests, it depends on what your symptoms are and how your initial consultation goes. You can usually guess which ones you need because of how you feel though. The hair, urine and stool tests are standard for suspected toxicity.



Neurotransmitter Test Results and the DMSA Mega-Dose…

After ordering another bunch of tests (according to my consultation and health history notes) here is the Extensive Neurotransmitter Profile results which were no surprise to me. This was a Urine only test and I have been sceptical of these in the past but this does match up with how I feel most of the time.

These tests are always fascinating and it makes me think that there must be solutions to fixing these imbalances. I’m sure there are; but it’s just finding someone who has the right answers. The amount of tests I’ve done over the years and someone says just take this and this – and I get no improvement. Very disappointing.

Hopefully this time is different.


As you can see my results are way less than optimal. GABA is low at 135, should be over 600 and that explains why I can never relax properly. I’m always agitated to some degree. Perhaps a GABA supplement can help with this until we remove the underlying cause.

Heavy metal toxicity can play a role with blocking neurotransmitters so I look forward to getting my DMSA challenge test results back next month. This test involved taking 1500mg DMSA, Glycine for better DMSA absorption/toxin mobiliser and Biosil which is Choline-Stabilized Orthosilicic Acid (ch-OSA).  The Biosil mobilises different types of metals such as Tin and Thallium. A ‘Pre’ and ‘Post’ Urine sample was taken. This test should be way more indicative than the Hair Test in terms of what might be causing me issues. The info from all these tests combined should be enough to improve my healing program.

So 3 test results are still due: Amino Acid Profile, Liver Function Test and The DMSA challenge test.

After completing 45 rounds of Chelation Therapy (Andy Cutler style) and believing these DMSA challenge tests were a big NO NO, I was very reluctant to do this test. My Doc said I must or else we’d be ‘flying blind’, so I started to prepare, both mentally and physically.

During my days with Chelation, I could only ever manage a 5mg dose of DMSA every 3 hours for 3 days. So about 40mgs per day of DMSA. At the end of 3 days I was pretty exhausted. If I ramped up my dosage, even to 10mgs, I would really suffer and have to stop after 2 days. That’s ‘seized in bed’ suffering, not just a light headache. So can you imagine how I felt about swallowing 1500mg in one shot? I thought, ‘bloody hell, no way’. I had also been in contact with a ‘successful’ mercury poisoning healer in the States and she told me that I was crazy doing this. She said it was a ‘lawsuit’ dose and I risked organ damage or even death! That’s the last thing I needed to hear.

These differing views on the internet made a tough situation even tougher. Everyone seems to have an opinion on how to go about things. Who’s right?

I spent a couple more days doing research and then decided go through with it. The benefits outweighed the risks. I checked that my Will was up to date, warned those close to me what I was doing and then prepared for the ‘mega dose’.

Down the hatch they go – half a dozen DMSA, another half dozen Glycine and 40 drops of Biosil. A short prayer was said and I sat down. What happened?…..

NOTHING. I slept well, woke up relatively fine and took the wee sample. I thought ‘You gotta be kidding me!’  The closest I came to injuring myself was falling backwards when getting a whiff of my sulphur smelling urine. (DMSA)

These challenge tests are standard and have been used for years but my doctor and others get better results by adding the Glycine and Biosil. I proved that these big ‘one off’ doses are well tolerated by a compromised person when compared to frequent dosing. I think my underlying detox system is in bad shape and that’s why I couldn’t tolerate bigger frequent doses while chelating. My Kryptopyrroles Test showed a Vitamin B6 and Zinc imbalance so this will be part of it.

Hopefully all will be revealed over the next few weeks and I can recover more quickly on a more personalised program instead of a one size fits all approach, which frequent dose Chelation is really.

If you have any questions, just let me know.

Stopping Chelation – Dr Cutler Protocol

Shortly after a very positive post a month or so back i had a big setback; more like a crash, and I was quite surprised in it’s severity. It made me re-think  my strategy. I needed to do more.

I had switched to DMSA/ALA instead of my usual DMPS/ALA. I did two rounds of the new combo and then crashed. I was taking tiny doses – 6mg DMSA and 3mg ALA. I haven’t been able to increase these levels since I started chelation Cutler style way back in late 2014.

It just seems all too difficult and I feel like I’m missing something. And trying to do it nearly all myself is proving incredibly hard. I’m not being precise enough with what exactly I’m trying to detox and no-one is supervising me, mainly because I just haven’t been able to find someone. Another issue is that my judgement isn’t great, so decisions are usually not great. But we all have to keep trying so we can only do our best.

My ‘best’ was to continue looking around for someone to give me a better idea of exactly what I was trying to do. This blanket approach of just ‘doing chelation’ wasn’t working as well as a precise and individual protocol would.

From someone who contacted me via this website I tracked down a functional medicine doctor in Australia who having success treating chronic illnesses. I could tell by talking to him that he was very knowledgeable about these illnesses. After 90 minutes talking to him via Skype my gut feeling was that he could help or certainly give me an idea of what was causing my symptoms.

He is more of a health detective than anything else so he wanted me to do the following tests, based on the info I’d given him and what we discussed online.

Most of the tests below – a little overwhelming but I feel it will be worth it.

Health Tests


  • Hair Test – with Trace Elements, Texas. Best Hair Mineral Analysis I understand. Not ARL.
  • 24 hour Amino Acid test – see what nutrients and proteins are being absorbed correctly.
  • Liver Detox Profile – Liver function and ability to tolerate DMSA if used as chelating agent.
  • Neurotransmitter Profile – see what’s out of balance in my brain. eg Serotonin, Dopamine etc
  • Kryptopyrroles – possible Zinc and B6 deficiency
  • DMSA challenge test – with glycine and Biosil to maximise results. Send poo and urine to Microtrace Minerals in Germany. Should be fun.

I’m usually loathe to spend anymore money on testing because no one has ever been able to properly interpret them and treat me properly. Hopefully this time will be different. (I’ve said that a few times 🙂 I’m interested to see the results myself and perhaps they can be used if I went back and had a consultation with Dr Cutler or anyone else; if need be.

These tests are going to take a while to do so the doctor has given me an interim protocol to work on. This basic protocol will be revised as more tests come in.

  • To mobilise = R-Lipoic Acid (Cutler wouldn’t agree to this but who knows who is right)
  • To bind = Modified Citrus Pectin
  • To bind & help in general = Orthosilicic Acid (BioSil)
  • Other general supplements like Magnesium for support.

So this makes sense. Mobilise  – Bind – Excrete. Not sure what is being mobilised yet but the tests should give us an idea. Mercury, Lead, Aluminium, Thalium etc

I have to do the tests first and then start the above so I will keep this site updated with test results and progress.

Keep trying







Chelating Continues…

Progress Update

I continue to prove that underlying toxicity is at the core of what has kept me chronically ill for many years. This is an issue where diets, exercise, meditation, medication, working, keeping busy, thinking positive, sauna therapy, various other treatments  and many many supplements etc DID NOT WORK for me and were never going to.


Some of these typical healing remedies have helped me to manage symptoms but they did little to remove the toxicity from from my brain, nervous system and organs. And that is key; that is one of the main causes or THE cause. I cannot prove what I’m currently doing does achieve this but it is so obvious after 15 years of trying things and then something starts to make a difference. I think the correct term is anecdotal evidence, but lets keep it simple, it just works! Bloody slow, but it works.


Among my supporting therapies I outline in my e-book, at the top of the list, and most vital, is chelation therapy. This is the method I have chosen to pull out toxins such as lead and mercury and who knows what else. Mobilising these toxins is easy and potentially dangerous, but getting them out of our bodies safely is the crucial part.


I use a combination of DMPS, DMSA and ALA (alpha lipoic acid) and continue to adjust doses as I improve and are able to handle larger doses. I might do some DMPS/ALA cycles or ’rounds’ as they are referred to, then switch to DPMS alone or even DMSA alone.


There is a protocol to follow (Andrew Cutler) but one thing I have learnt is everyone is different and those who rush just delay recovery. For instance, I still can only handle a tiny dose of DMPS (5mg) and ALA (3mg). I would like to be taking more but my body cannot tolerate it. It doesn’t matter because whatever dose anyone is on works for them. We have no choice.


Some take large doses (up to 100mg) ALA alone and this works for them because they’ve experimented. That’s the only way to do it. No professional knows what dose will suit you so you have start LOW AND SLOW because this stuff is powerful. Go by feel more than anything else.


I just completed round 42. I’ve being doing rounds (ideally 3 days on and 4 days off) for 18 months but initially I waited weeks between rounds because I was so sick and weak. Now they are easy.


I’ll just keep going until I’m back where I want to be health wise. If it’s 100 rounds, fine, 200, whatever. I have no other choice and they get easier as I get better so it’s actually very straight forward. It’s a relatively easy protocol.


Because it’s over such a long time frame, it’s hard to gauge improvements but i’ll list some here:


  • less joint and muscle pain
  • can tolerate more carbohydrates. I couldn’t touch carbs like bread for 7 years.
  • Sleep better, even feel refreshed some mornings instead of foggy fatigue
  • can complete tasks that require mental power – computer work, conversations etc
  • enjoy conversations with people, can now keep up and understand them
  • laugh at things I find funny instead of no reaction, and crack a few jokes
  • breathing is more consistent instead of gasping
  • way less internal and mental stress
  • way less irritated by those around me and less frustrated with everything
  • more patient and sympathetic
  • can tolerate more exercise although not able to jog consistently yet
  • not so worried about the future
  • balance and blood pressure improved – can get of bed quickly
  • make way better and quicker decisions
  • can say NO much easier, don’t care so much
  • heart beat more consistent and smooth – nervous system stronger
  • emotionally resilient
  • can have a heated (honest) conversation with someone without collapsing
  • sleep actually works now, I can recover more quickly
  • my core temperature has increased – nice and warm now and way more tolerant to cold
  • skin not so sensitive any more
  • horrendous fatigue has gone but more improvement needed – adrenals are happier
  • can read people better and understand what they mean
  • tolerate alcohol better – no more sweats and nausea after a sip of wine
  • better appetite – get quite piggy sometimes 😉
  • better sense of well being and general optimism


That’s all good but I have a long way to go. There are still a few symptoms I want to knock off:


  • Sensitive to light
  • socially sometimes I still come to halt and freeze when not feeling so well
  • foggy brain and feels like inflammation in middle ear
  • not as relaxed and calm as I would like to be
  • have to careful with over doing it physically and mentally


Some of these are caused by my habits and decision making. It’s best if I don’t spend any time watching TV or on the computer (like I am now). It feels like I need a complete mental break from these stimuli.


Because I’m used to being so ill, my natural reaction to someone asking me to do something triggers a small stress reaction. My body/mind is taking a long time to realise that I actually can now do these things but history has taught my body that if I do that then I will suffer. Recalibration is taking a long time.


This is improving and I find myself saying ‘no’ now because I genuinely do not want to do that activity or meet up. Some conversations are still a bit weird and I misunderstand things but I don’t beat myself up about it. And I’m sure there are lots of weird and uncomfortable moments when people are well. I just accept I get things wrong a bit, that’s the way it is for the time being. I go with the flow and enjoy hat I can because there’s no other choice.


I feel like I could be doing more to speed up recovery so I will be working on that from now while still chelating. I’ll keep chelating to a point where I can take a mega dose and nothing happens. If I still have symptoms then, I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it.


One issue for me taking ALA is that although it has improved my symptoms, I have also gained one or two. I understand that this because ALA crosses the blood brain barrier so the toxins can ‘slosh’ in and out through a metaphoric ‘doorway’. With the right dosing, most toxins get out but some stay or even get in before the door shuts.


This has caused me to have a couple of minor issues which should resolve. One is that my eye-brain communication gets confused sometimes. If I see a branch move outside, my brain tells me it looks like a cat or some animal moving. When I focus on it, I see that’s it’s a branch. This doesn’t bother me. The other is that my jaw seems stiff to open sometimes. No big deal but it’s noticeable.


It will be interesting to see when these symptoms disappear. I wouldn’t be too concerned if they never did, as long as I got my core health back. Would they cause me to stop chelation? , no – because the benefits are too great. I just being honest about treatment, it can be hard work, a real roller-coaster of emotions and you have to be patient.


Chelation hasn’t been the only fix for me; I’ve improved other aspects of my life of which I discuss in my e-book.


For anyone thinking that toxicity might be an issue then doing a therapeutic trial is simple and no tests are really necessary. Safe and inexpensive



Chelation Therapy Isn’t An Exact Science

I’ve done 26 rounds of chelation following the Andrew Cutler protocol. This involves taking a chelating agent such as DMPS, DMSA and or ALA (Alpha Lipoic Acid) at regular doses. For nearly all 26 doses I’ve used DMPS at a relatively small dose of 2.5mg every 8 hours for 3 days then take 4 days or off before starting the next ’round’. That’s all I can handle.

Up until November 2015 this was going well; very slow progress but going pretty well. I cannot prove that my progress can be atributed to doing chelation therapy but i’m certain that it is. The fact that I cannot tolerate a higher dose than 2.5mg DMPS says to me that I have a rather severe heavy metal toxicity issue and I suspect my methylation system is not working well at all. There are other factors which I’m still learning about.

Chelation Therapy is really the only thing at this stage that has made positive gains for me but I still have much to learn about this fascinating but frustrating treatment. I feel I could be doing much better so I’m working on that. I’d like to be taking more and I’d like to be feeling better overall while I ‘chelate’.

However, I made a mistake by introducing 3mg ALA rounds 19-24 in late 2015. Now I realise that is has actually stirred the toxins up, particularly in my head as I have gained more neurological symptoms. Obviously the DMPS could not mop up the mercury that the ALA pulled out and it has been redistributed. ALA can pull toxins out of the brain, DMPS cannot. So I have to be very careful about adding ALA in the future as I understand it has to be to get the brain toxins out. A tiny 1mg dose is probably ideal and it’s common for people to take this amount. ALA is supposedly a true chelator that makes a strong bond with toxins and escorts them out of the body but it obviously ‘lets go’ of the odd toxic molecule which then wrecks some havoc on me.

The catch 22 is that Mercury disrupts the methylation cycle so that’s why it can take so long to remove it all. I view chelation therapy as doing a raid on the bad guys; get in, take what you need and get out before you cause any trouble or raise the alarm.

So the idea is to do a minimum 3 days round without causing too much trouble. These chelators can be tough on the body so supplements such as adrenal support, magnesium, zinc and vitamin C and E have to be taken while ‘in’ and ‘off’ round.

It is assumed that half to one percent of toxic metals are removed each round anyone does so you can see that 100 to 200 rounds may take some years. It’s a marathon but we also are feeling better as time goes on so it really is just a matter of time and being persistent and consistent. Knowing that mercury is the problem or a big part of the problem gives me some peace of mind as not knowing what is wrong is incredibly stressful and frustrating.

I’m learning more about the methylation cycle; there are great videos on YouTube from guys like Ben Lynch. Many things can done such as DNA tests and subsequent supplementation with the likes of B12, Methyl Folate, SAMe etc so I’m going down another rabbit hole here but not jumping into anything just yet.

For starters there are 4 types of B12 one can take so it’s not straight forward. But B12 is crucial for so many things so it’s something I want to make sure I’m getting enough of. I eat meat but if my absorption isn’t great then my cells might not be getting enough.

Dr Andy Cutler is not convinced that doing these DNA tests and spending huge amounts of time on methylation are necessary because with time and less heavy metals in our systems, methylation will correct itself, regardless of whether some of us have more ‘junk DNA’ than others.

Only time will tell. The experiment continues….  🙂

For more info:

Facebook – Andy Cutler Think Tank Private Group

Magnetico Sleep Mat

My Magnetico diary / review is at the bottom of this post.. (and also March 2017 update at bottom of post , I’m back on it!)

After researching magnetism and it’s potential health benefits I decided to try it out for myself. I’ve bought a lot of products over the years that haven’t worked so the decision to purchase this was well researched. The science behind it certainly made a lot of sense to me. I purchased a 10 Gauss core pad. If I have some success, perhaps I will upgrade to the 20 Gauss.

A simple explanation of how these work is that the earth’s current Gauss level is .5 or half a ‘Gauss’. So a 10 Gauss mat will increase the earth’s vital magnetism level by 20 times. The higher the level, the more optimally our billions of cells work. Cells are restored to optimal efficiently. Earth’s magnetism is slowly decreasing over time. Perhaps this one reason there are so many chronic health issues in today’s modern world.

magnetico review


These sleep pads are placed under the mattress, not on top.

They are not the same as many other magnetic type products that basically act as constant magnetic-acupuncture. Apparently this is not recommended because, long term, it stimulates the body in an unhealthy way. It would like having acupuncture all night, every night, and this is not how acupuncture was designed to be used. And there has to be a gap of at least 4 -5 inches between you and the magnets.

The inventor, Dr Dean Bonlie, has some very interesting videos online. Search for –  Dr Dean Bonlie Magnetico Beds for more in-depth information.

This is my journal:

23rd Nov 2014: I had been warned the first days and possibly weeks could be tough going and this has been proved right. My whole body feels like it is recovering from a workout at the gym. Some fatigue, weakness with a sort of numbness. Something is definitely is going on. It’s hard to describe but it’s almost like a full body buzz type feeling. Not a good buzz, but not a bad buzz. And I haven’t done any exercise or lifting so it must be the sleep pad. I wake up hardly being able to move but this clears as I get up and move around.

I’m very lethargic and don’t really want to do anything. I feel like lying down but I’m not sure whether I want to lie down on my bed and feel even more lethargic. My mood is good, it’s certainly not getting me down. I’m taking it day by day and doing very little else during the day. Certainly no exercise physical work, which I can’t do much of anyway.

I will consider using a heavy metal chelator, DMPS, to help clear any toxins released from the magnetic therapy. But certainly not at high doses as I have only tolerated a tiny dose of 5mg in the past.

DMPS can cause a lot of suffering all by itself so this isn’t something to play around with when you don’t know how powerful it is.

29th Nov 2014: I’m 11 days into this trial and today is the worst I’ve felt. My symptoms align with what I was told may happen, which was Weakness, Agitation, Fatigue and Tingling.

One thing is for sure – the Magnetico sleep pad is definitely causing this. It’s certainly doing something. It’s good news but also not so fun. I just want to lie down but I feel better if I keep moving slowly. I also do stretches and daily coffee enemas which help a lot. I don’t feel strong enough to go to my part time job which isn’t demanding at all. I can expect to feel like this for  2 -3 weeks so I hope to hang in there and manage. If I continue to worsen, I will take my 10 Gauss mat and put it under the bed which will decrease the strength.

30th Nov – Day 12: After yesterday, I decided to try doing a round of DMPS chelation to ease the detox effects. I think this worked because I woke up feeling better when I felt that I was progressively getting worse. I will continue to do the DMPS chelation ’round’ per Andy Cutler’s protocol. 5mg is all I can tolerate at the moment, so I take 5mg every 8 hours for 3 days.

Chelation isn’t something you just try without knowing exactly what you are doing because you can really hurt yourself. Search online for ‘andy cutler living network chelation’ where there is a lot more info. They sell DMSA, DMPS and ALA and are located in South Africa. DMPS also pulls out good minerals so those have to be replaced with supplements.

I feel that the worst is over with my new Magnetico but we will see what tomorrow brings. I’m happy with progress but there is a fair way to go before I can say it’s been a success.

6th Dec – Day 20: I can only assume that healing is taking place because I have to be very careful about how much I do each day; even more so than I used to. If I do anything physical, I feel the effects the following day. It feels like the healing process is requiring a lot of energy, and if I do anything else, I pay for it. So for the time being, I have to be patient.

16th Dec – (1 month) – Similar symptoms all month. Waking up very sore and stiff but clearing quickly. I’m flushing my kidneys with good spring water and doing coffee enemas most days. This helps. The flu-like symptoms are manageable but I’m looking forward to them decreasing in severity. I seem to have 2 or 3 rough days and then 1 good day which makes me feel like I’m dong the right thing. Mentally, I’m good.

26th Dec – I’m taking a break from the mat. It’s been nearly 6 weeks and I’ve decided to take a few days off to see how I feel. It’s been a tough 6 weeks and the heaviness and fatigue has got to me. I need to clear my head as much as possible and rethink my strategy with this powerful mat. Perhaps I will bounce back well – only time will tell. I haven’t given up on it, I just want to experiment without it. Maybe then I will replace it on the floor so it’s not so demanding. I’m getting very little done and always seem liverish / grumpy. I just need a break.

12 January 2015 – I’m still not using the mat because I believe it will just make me feel worse. So for the moment, I have no plans to put in back on my bed. I am wondering how after 6 weeks it could have made made worse. What didn’t help was that I continued to do things I probably shouldn’t have.

When my body was saying ‘rest’, I had a part time job to go to and there were summer activities like going boating that I probably should have said ‘no’ to. This has been the hardest thing to manage. Do I go boating and enjoy myself, but suffer for it, or do I sit and home and just wait for the fatigue to go. There is only so much sitting at home I can do before I get frustrated, so I find managing it all very difficult.

Perhaps the mat detoxed some toxins but I wasn’t strong enough to excrete it. Or perhaps I overdid things when I should have been resting more. I really don’t know. Hopefully I will regain some energy and decide to use the mat again. Without knowing what exactly is happening when sleeping on the mat, making a decision about what to do next is hard.

I don’t regret trying it but I’m far from convinced that it can help me. I would suggest to anyone to really think about how it could help before buying. And be prepared to give it months before seeing results. It’s very tempting to commit to something that claims it can do certain things. I believe in this mat and what it can do but for me, I need a lot more time with it.

March 2017 Update

Yes, I’m pleased to say I’ve been using the mat without any side effects for many weeks now and I’m feeling confident about continuing to use it.

It’s hard to believe I first attempted using it 2 years ago and I was so weak it actually was too powerful for me. In hindsight I should have put it on the floor and persisted.

After some intense gut healing work, I now feel much stronger and over the hump that I just couldn’t get over for 10 years at least. I’ve been enjoying this improvement for nearly 2 months so see no reason why I should go backwards. The thought of going back to how i was last year after doing over 40 rounds of chelation with DMPS and DMSA is awful. These chemical agents work well in most cases but can be too tough on some sensitive / severe cases such as mine.

I will no doubt be able to handle them sooner than later but will not be touching them anytime soon. I’m happy with some EDTA and clay/charcoal mix to soak up the toxins while i sleep. I continue to improve and will report back her in another couple of months. The Magnetico mat still makes sense to me and I hope it’s doing it’s job for me.

Perhaps if I’d been taking a binder 2 years ago I may have been able to tolerate it. I think it stirred things up and my body just could not process it at the time. I can’t say yet whether i think it’s essential to a proper long term detox program but time will tell. Hard to prove but hopefully I get a gut feeling on how much of a role it played. Like a lot of these detox health products, it’s trial and error.