The long drawn out process of detoxing metals continues. Some words that sum up the last few months are: discipline, consistency, focus, it’s a marathon, be careful and eat the right foods – consistently, There’s no doubt about it that I find it difficult at times; the relentless effort required to get the job done can be tiresome in it’s own right. The roller-coaster of symptoms and trying to work out what did what seems never ending. I have had some glimpses of good health though, so I do feel I’m progressing.
Improvements I’ve noticed:
- calmer, better mood, able to converse with people more naturally, sense of humor returning, dreadful thoughts disappearing, more energy and stamina, better appetite, enjoying food more, can stand up quickly, wanting to listen to music, more upbeat about the future, tolerate screens better and welcomed weight gain.
These might sound strange to a healthy person but the toxic people out there are all too familiar with weird symptoms that your average doctor would diagnose as “psychosomatic”.
I’ll admit I’m not exactly following the plan. I’ve obviously got some bad bug issues because every time I ramp up the bug killing products I feel rough. I lost patience and tried a round of DMSA which surprisingly didn’t knock me around too much, so I kept going. I’ve done 4 ’rounds’ of 20mg DMSA and 5mg Alpha Lipoic Acid. I’m pleased to be tolerating this dose. I’m fully aware I may not be able to tolerate it for what ever reason but it’s going well so far. I make sure I have a good break of about a week and load up on zinc and magnesium. I follow the Andy Cutler style of chelation. So I’m following a combination of programs.
This is interesting because years ago I did over 40 rounds with 5mg DMPS but couldn’t tolerate a bigger dose. Adding ALA, even 1mg was a disaster. So what’s changed? Got thyroid TSH down, re-built gut and liver/kidney support basically. I have also used Mensah medical supplements (B12, Folate, Zinc, mag etc…) but it’s hard to say what role they’ve played. Also Dr Shultz #2 clay/charcoal mix up to 3 times per day 1/2 hour before meals. And coffee enemas as needed.
I don’t know of any two people that have had exactly the same program for getting well. We all seem to settle into whatever works through careful experimentation. There is no choice a lot of the time as many mainstream doctors will advise against chelation and thyroid support but also not come up with any other solutions – it’s usually too risky for them. In the mean time for many of us it’s a ‘do-it-yourself’ job.
So Thyroid is steady, supplements are good, I’m still experimenting with probiotics and I use milk thistle and kidney liquid formulas from Herbpharm plus some other bits and pieces. Getting the foundation right BEFORE chelation was key for me. Less chronic cases might be resilient enough to handle it straight.
- bad bugs develop and multiply in a toxic and acidic environment
- they always will unless we decrease the underlying toxic burden
- pathogen load will decrease as you detoxify metals, and vice versa
- they put a huge strain on our guts – 1000’s of billions of probiotics daily are sometimes required to get on top of the bad bug issue. Good bugs help eat the bad bugs. It’s war.
- pathogens cause much cellular damage to organs, brain and glands.
- these microbes produce toxic waste our liver has to deal with constantly
- they lower or disrupt our energy frequency, we lose our vitality.
- with pathogens decreasing, our immune system will then get a chance to catch up and strengthen. Particularly when we rebuild the gut as 90% of our immune system resides there. Strong gut = strong immune system
- metals are excreted when bugs are killed – this is a crucial stage and must be taken seriously and slow, particularly for severe cases. A lot is going on with this stage. Having to quit and start again can be very disappointing. Don’t just continue when feeling awful.
- severe toxic cases require a very different protocol from mild cases. You really have to know what you’re doing.
I’m starting to understand how these unfriendly microbes associated with heavy metals really do cause us a heap of issues. Someone like Connie Fox says chelation is the final easy part and we should be feeling almost symptom free by the time we get to that stage. And Dr Klinghardt says “metals and bugs are great friends”. It’s not so much the metals directly causing us pain and weird symptoms but the associated bad bugs that seem to go hand in hand with chronic toxicity. It’s all the downstream issues that toxicity causes that give us grief. Maybe our immune systems are constantly over-whelmed trying to get on top of these chronic infections / bad bugs. That’s certainly how it feels sometimes.
All the best with your own recovery.
Hi John what antimicrobal program are you doing?
Daniel, the anti-microbial plan, in general, consists of slowly ramping up the following: HerbPharm Fungus Fighter, Para-Shield(i swapped this for locally made Vermez), I find the tinctures more effective than powders. Just be aware sloshing them around in your mouth with allow them to soak straight into your bloodstream and have a more powerful effect which is not what you necessarily want initially. I also use a kidney tincture; trialing random ones from iHerb. Lymecore Foundation Formula is another one to consider. Niacin can be used as it dilates blood vessels and allows the bug killers to go places. Decreasing our bad bugs population will take a lot of strain off our bodies and allow us then to get the main event which is the metals. If the metals stay then the bugs will re-establish themselves. We must change the environment so these bad guys can’t thrive. A toxin free and alkaline environment is the goal.