For the time being I won’t be updating and replying to comments unfortunately. I hope to return as soon as possible but this is a health decision. Long sessions on the computer sap my energy more than they should so I am limiting any computer work.
Feel free to comment and get in contact as I will still glance over it but I can’t promise a reply anytime soon.
This is what I’m currently doing:
Diet: I follow mainly cooked veges, lots of greens and a little meat. This coincides with my methylation status which is borderline over-methylator. I avoid all the goodies such as sugar, booze and baking. I drink ph8.5 local spring water and add electrolytes sometimes.
Lifestyle: I avoid stress like the plague. I would recommend anyone limit or stop any unnecessary stress whether it’s physical, mental or emotional. I also attempt to occupy myself with activities that I find non-taxing and interesting; whether that’s self-study from a book or working in the yard/garden. I avoid EMF from computers and house power, talking on mobile phone etc as much as possible, but not to the point where thinking about it all the time is stressful.
I spend as much time outside and follow Dr Jack Kruse’s work. This works well for me and I continue to work towards a ‘natural light’ life. Less fake blue light and more sunlight.
I usually wind down/meditate once a day.
Supplementation: Walsh Institute/ Mensah Medical – to naturally rebuild neurological function and therefore detox function. See previous post.
And just be aware that even with the best diet and supplements, it’s what you do or don’t do all day that is just as important. If we keep doing things that take too much energy from us or stress us out then we’ll continue to struggle. We can outsource some of the solutions but it also comes down to us solving a lot of it ourselves.
I choose to stay calm when previously I would have got wound up. It’s a choice, so choose to not emotionally react. It’s a waste of vital energy; energy we need for healing.
Sleep: The Jack Kruse advice has been beneficial. Like avoiding fake light as much as possible after sunset. Also Dr Klinghart’s sleep sanctuary tips are good. e.g Ambient AC ‘body voltage’ should be less than 1 volt AC. I measure 15 volts in my bedroom so I’m working to decrease that.
All these little improvements add up. I make the changes and don’t think about it anymore. There is so much temptation and technology in the world today but I think a lot of it comes with a cost. We weren’t designed for all this constant over-stimulation; it can burn us out.
All the best with your return to Peak Health.