Mercury Poisoning

The only clear thing about Mercury is that it’s a chronic problem most people don’t even know about. There is no way to accurately test your body burden of mercury. I only found out that mercury was a problem for me when I ate a lot of cilantro/coriander and eventually found out that cilantro is an excellent mobiliser of heavy metals. So it stirs things up but cannot excrete so well, therefore you feel bloody awful.

That little experiment was the start of many years trying to get rid of the mercury in me. The catch 22 is that mercury decreases your ability to properly excrete it, so once you reach this threshold, mercury just exponentially starts piling up inside. The other strange phenomenon is that it can affect one person and not touch another. And to add more confusion, the amount of different symptoms it can cause, is different for everyone.

Obviously, the first step is to remove the source, which for most people is dental amalgams. They need to be taken out by a dentist who is aware of mercury poisoning and uses all the correct gear.

The next step is getting rid of what is left inside you, and this is where you can make yourself a LOT worse. Our bodies store mercury in the safest locations possible, just waiting for an opportunity to start naturally detoxing, but it usually never gets the chance, especially if there is a constant stream coming in from amalgams.

So when you find out that a product like Cilantro ‘detox’s’ mercury, you decide that the more you take the more will come out. NO, the more you take the more mercury gets pulled out from safe places and deposited in not so safe place, potentially making you feel utterly horrendous and perhaps doing long term damage, delaying your recovery. Do not do anything until you understand the topic very well. It would be better to do nothing for weeks or months than dive into whatever supplements promises ‘heavy metal detox’

While natural products like Cilantro and Chlorella are used for detoxing, there just hasn;t been enough study and research to know exactly what each individual might need, and that’s why people take the ‘do it yourself’ approach.

Chelation therapy with DMSA and DMPS are becoming more common but still,  most people decide their own doses. Tiny doses are the key here. Slow going is the only way.

Examples might be:

DMSA: 10mg (even 5mg) Taken every 3 to 4 hours for 3 days, then rest for 3-7 days.

DMPS: 5mg, every 6-10 hours for 3 to 7 days, then rest for same time.

Supplements are also recommended. This protocol is based on Andy Cutler’s approach. The regular doses are designed to keep the drugs at certain levels so that they don’t spike down before spiking up again. These chemical don’t remove everything they mobilise so there will always be some mercury flowing around your system. These stops and starts have to be kept to a minimum to avoid redistribution.

First things first – Remove your amalgams safely and get a hair test to see what exactly is going on with your metabolism and see what your heavy metals levels are. Don’t even think about taking any ‘products’ yet. Some practitioners believe that if we follow the correct program, chelation therapy (natural or synthetic) is not required. Diet, correct sauna therapy, supplementation and a few other therapies will allow your body to excrete these metals naturally.


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